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From the very start, my life has been planned out from me by my parents and kingdom. I was meant for great things, to be a life changer in my kingdom and to provide peace to them in hard times. When I turned nineteen and was forced to marry a complete stranger. I didn't know what was in store for me when I decided to marry a Prince who blackmailed me, and maybe it was for the better.

Nobody knows the outcome of their life and only see the small barriers that we face everyday. If only we could see our future and how it will turn out, only then we could see how mundane life can be when we face it head on. But I wonder, if I could have seen my future back then, would I still want to choose the same paths I had taken to get here? Every single emotion I had to go through, every bruise and cut, stab wounds and manipulative words... Would I still go through all of that to get to where I am or would I try to risk it all and change it?

I've thought long about this for the past two years. Seeing where I am now gives me my true answer of why I choose to keep on living. Calum had told me that he knew our future together would be hard to achieve, but once we do I would be happy. He was absolutely right.

My dreams always bring me back to that fateful day where I had to choose life or death for my husband. It was cruel and horrid of the mystery guy to put that kind of burden on me. In the end I believe I chose the right decision to save my one and only true love. The only man that will stick beside me, even when I want him to leave, and love me unconditionally. I can't even fathom how my life would have been without him.

"... I shoot him now and you be free, or I shoot him and you live in sorrow over your dead husband." The male in front of me proposes. I contemplate my final decision that could save or kill Calum. The man said that Calum possesses no magic to save him but if I had learned anything about Calum is that he always thinks ahead. He must have some magic to save him if he gets shot, so I don't need to worry about any injuries, just need to watch out for the guy with the gun shooting him in vital places or worse- me.

If our magic is encapsulated in this crystal ball, is there any way to dispel it without putting our hands on it? I have one shot at this and I need to act fast. Calum and the male are staring at me intensely for my decision. The menacing male dressed in black holds the gun to Calum's chest at my silence. Calum ignores the male like he doesn't care about being shot but is more enthralled in my response. "You don't get to take him away from me."

The crystal ball with swirling silver colors is smooth in my hands. I feel it slip until I let it drop on the ground and hit the floor. The male looks infuriated at the shattering sound of the thousand tiny pieces scattering across the ground. The silver color rises out of the broken glass ball and flows through the air. The male turns his attention quickly to Calum and shoots him. Calum had dodged the bullet by going to the side and ran toward the magic in the air. Immediately, the silver magic flies toward Calum's body and disappears when it gets near him.

The male, with a now reloaded gun, points it to me. I am a few feet from Calum on the other side of the shard covered floor. "You bitch!" He screams at me, "Well if I can't kill that bastard, I can take what he cherishes the most." I hear the click of the gun and the deep sound indicating the release of a dangerous bullet ready to pierce my flesh and kill me.

My eyes shut on instinct, waiting for the impact of the tiny, lethal object whirling in the air to my direction. "NO!" Calum screams from a few feet away. Calum zooms toward me with inhuman speed and stands in front of me in time to take the bullet for me. It hits him mid torso, just missing his vital organs and keeping him only injured. His head is down and his arms are out for extra protection for me. His breathing intensifies and his right arm clutches his stomach. I stay silent and keep my stance still, afraid that if I move something bad would happen.

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now