11 Trapped in a Maze

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It has been four days since I arrived back to my home Kingdom of Theruma. I thought it would be boring and unamusing being alone here but I was entirely wrong. Not only has it been four days of returning home, but three nights with no sleep. I can barely think, walk, see, hear, or talk. My movements are sluggish and doctors have been sent from nearby places to find out what is wrong with me, but nothing has worked. My body has been pricked with various needles with fluids, I have been told to eat and drink weird things, and many lathers have been rubbed on me.

To keep my mind occupied as I slowly try to stay afloat in the darkness of my mind, I try to keep my memory fresh by recapping everything that had happened when I arrived here so I can figure out what is wrong with me.

The carriage comes to a slow decline in pace and stops. My body shifts in place and the door opens. An annoyed but familiar voice says something to me and then a hand is placed on my head. I am turned to face the person talking to me. "For f*cks sake." The familiar feminine voice talks in a low voice so I wouldn't hear her. "I should have brought the pans."

Heels click away from me and return shortly after. A loud sound wakes me up in a panic and I look around to see what was going on. A very upset Yumi is looking at me with her arms crossed. Her black maid uniform is slightly disheveled and her pink hair is pulled back into a simple ponytail. Below her lies shattered pieces of a once large and beautiful pot that held growing tulips. "Look what you made me do. You cannot wake up without a loud noise!" Yumi says with frustration. I can see why she gets upset because she has to go through all this work just to get me to wake up but isn't this part of her job?

She helps me out of the carriage and walks me to the castle. It is very late and the sky has grown dark. It is not as cold in Theruma as it is in Karow for some reason. As we enter, I immediately head toward the library. It is around the time I would be going to bed, but I am not tired at all from all the sleeping I did today. I decide to read up on the history of Karow and see if there is anything interesting about their past, their magic, and also any information on the Queen. I spend all night writing notes and messing up the organizations of the shelves by misplacing books in a hurry and having books open to different pages to cross reference dates. One of the many interesting things about this kingdom is their magic. I looked more into their strengths and weaknesses and saw that every type of person is different. The royalty are the only ones who possess the greatest strength of magic though, making Calum and his family the most powerful. We don't have books on their recent history so I can't find anything about the Queen, but I did see somethings that may be related.

In one book it mentions how hair represents the soul frequency of the person and that it can change as the person changes. White means innocent and pure with a good natured soul. Silver means in transition to any color because the soul has not yet chosen its path in life. Red means flirtatious and scandalous while pink means bashful and secretive. I think about Yumi and agree with it. Yumi cursed when she thought I was asleep but I had never heard her curse in front of me before. I'll ask about that later although she is not of magic. Orange was adventurous and loud, Blue was calm and intelligent, yellow was full of energy and happy, and the list went on. The last color mentioned was black.

From what I know from the other books about my kingdom and the surrounding ones without magic is that our hair can be of only varying shades of red, brown, blonde, and black. The differences between these colors and the magical colors are that magicals can have many more colors than us based on their personality. Although one non-magical can have black hair, one magical can have a similar shade but there is a big difference. Only the magical expresses a matte color with no shine at all to it, almost like the hair itself is made of shadows. If the soul is bad and negative, it will turn their hair a negative black color, leaving no room for good in it which takes the shine and life out of the hair completely.

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