9 Dark Truth

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We walk up to the gates and are let in immediately. Once we arrive near the steps of his castle, servants rush toward us and take our things. They look exhausted as if they had been standing outside and waiting for us to arrive the whole day. Surely they weren't doing that. It has gotten remarkably dark now that we arrived. Calum wraps my legs around his waist and hops off the horse as I hold on tight to him. He carries me on his back up the stairs and to the door and lets me down. I stand up straight and try to pick off any dirt that remained on me from falling earlier and he stands there patient. I look into his eyes and wait for an order from him.

He doesn't look happy, but he doesn't look angry like before either. He looks at my cut I had received earlier on my collarbone and walks in front of me. Without a word, he leans down and licks it. "W-What are you doing!?" I half yell at him. "It was inflicted by another man. I only did what I had to do to make it mine."

Not understanding his words, I cover it up with my hand and walk to the giant door of the castle. The entire castle looks quite old and broken down a little. Moss is growing between the cracks of the stone walls like a disease slowly creeping into someone's immune system. Perhaps this is a metaphor for his family's life?

"And what do you think you're doing?" He asks me this time. I look over my shoulder and tell him that I am going to go in. He shakes his head and gives me a condescending laugh. "They will only open the door for royalty here. You are not royalty here, my queen."

I face him and tilt my head at his new name for me. He brushes past me and the doors open. He steps inside the warm room and turns to face me. "Quickly now, you don't want the doors to shut and have to stay alone outside now would you?" I quicken my pace to the door and he grabs my arm to pull me inside just before the doors shut. His hand lets go of me but travels down to the small of my back and applies pressure, giving me a nonverbal sign to walk forward. I allow him to guide me down a hall and into a sitting area. He tells me that there is a big bathroom here meant for guests when parties and balls are held, but they haven't had use for it for a long time. He lets me use the bathroom and we meet up to go to the next room. The door is a tall, black door with a golden handle. Calum knocks on it twice and a deep voice tells us to come in. The door opens by itself and we walk in. I see two guards by the door dressed in dark red uniforms with black embellishments and long swords on either side of their hips. The room itself is big for what seems like one person stays in for an office area. It has a chandelier light in the middle of the room, directly on top of a grey carpet and two comfortable looking red seats. Lining the walls are bookshelves with labels for each shelf. I can't quite make out any of the words on all of them except for the ones near me to my left and right. Some of the labels read, 'Arcane History,' 'Jomolia History,' 'Valeum History,' 'Yolonda History,' and 'Zalis History.'

These five labels are the surrounding Kingdom's names. It is not unusual for other Kingdoms to know the other's history, but it is odd that all of these are here in this room. What I don't see, though, is my Kingdom's history. Rows of books line the walls but no books near me show any hint that Theruma even exists. This is my enemy Kingdom, so maybe they hate us that much that they don't want part of us here but wouldn't it be tactful to know my history to win the war? I shouldn't be suggesting this to anyone though.

In front of the chairs is a wooden desk with neat stacks of paper and ink pens. There is a lamp shining on one particular document so bright that I can't tell the writing on it. The chair behind the desk sits an older man with dark black hair and a slight beard. His eyes are grey and empty as he glances up at us and then back down to his papers on his desk. He tidies up his desk and hides some papers in drawers behind the desk. I stand in front of the desk next to Calum awkwardly and wait. The sound of the desk shutting makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and makes me feel even more nervous.

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