4 Captured

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This cover was made by _JaneWolf_ on wattpad.

"King Azulan has responded! He said they are going to send Prince Calum over with his things. They want us to 'make sure we want him' hahaha! What a joker!" My mother exclaims as I am eating my breakfast. She seems so different now. If someone were to ask her how she felt about the war she would have cursed the very ground of Karow. But, now she talks about them like they're her best friend.

We had sent letters to the kingdom of Karow and they had responded two days later to us. Today is the day they are sending their son to stay with us and prepare for the wedding. Everyone in the castle is buzzing about the news of this and is on high alert for the Prince. I am heading now to get dressed in my best attire to greet him when he comes, which could be at any moment.

It is about midday when I get word of his arrival, just before dinner. I stand outside the castle door into the foyer for him to step out of his carriage. He is dressed in purple and gold from head to toe, his crown glinting from the sun as he walks flawlessly toward the door. He notices me take a step out to greet him and locks eyes with me. His steps never faltering, he leaves his gaze on me until he gets stopped by my mother. They talk for a bit and she guides him over to where I stand. "Y/N darling, please show him to your room."

"What?" I say, shocked. My room?

"He will need to know where everything is, of course, but you should be the one to show him to your room." She says.

I slowly nod and glance over to the prince next to her. He looks at me with blank eyes and a stoic face. Does he show any emotion?

I walk to my room, not bothering to check if he is still behind me, and stop when I get to my door. He stands next to me and waits for me to open the door for him.

"She didn't say go into my room, just go to it." I tell him. There is no way he is going to get comfortable in my room so fast. I may not know a lot of things, but I do know that my room is my safe place and I don't want anyone but me in it.

"Oh, I see." He says as he faces me. His right hand reaches into his coat pocket and takes out a small wooden box with intricate designs carved into it. "This is for you. It's small, but I hope you will accept it."

I carefully take the object from his hand and examine it. There is a small indention on it that looks to be a spot to place my finger in to open it. When the top opened, music started to play and a small bear started to rotate with the tune. The short melody is soothing and relaxing and makes me feel warm. A few seconds later another melody plays along with it to make it more beautiful until a harmony was placed at the end of the song. The last six notes were haunting and made me on edge. As soon as it stops, the song replays again and I shut the top to the box.

"This is beautiful, thank you." I tell him. His eyes must have been staring at something, perhaps the music box, the whole time because his eyes were dry when I looked up at him. He blinked a couple of times to gain moisture back into them and spoke. "I was going to place this by your bedside so that it may provide solace for you when you sleep. I wanted it to be a surprise, but at least I got to see you enjoy it for the first time."

I nod my head and thank him once more before I tell him to head back to the foyer where maids will be waiting for him. Once he leaves, I go into my room and place the small music box on my bedside table. It is more entrancing than before and I can't help but want to open it again to let the tiny bear dance again. My hand reaches for it and stops when someone knocks on my door. Yumi tells me that it is time for dinner and I am needed right now.

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now