Bonus 2!

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A/N: I am going through the entire story and editing it so hopefully there are no more mistakes when I fully publish it as an amazing book. Don't worry, I'll still keep it on here for you guys! I am needing some book cover ideas, so if any of you can help please send in some artwork or photoshop stuff 😘. As a major thank you for everyone who voted and commented, I will introduce to you the final FINAL bonus chapter for you. (9433 words omg I must love you)

This chapter was inspired by a handful of commenters that wondered what would have happened if Calum's plans did not work out. So, this chapter is "If Calum showed up late at the ball."


I'm in my varying light blue dress and puffs of purple on my shoulders with my hair up with my golden triangle crown resting on top of my head. Today is the day of my ball that my mother had invited the eligible princes around our lands to meet me. My father is sick and I need to marry someone before I can take the crown and rule over Theruma. I am in the ballroom right now, waiting on the last prince to arrive so I can talk to him and hide for the rest of the night.

After a moment of waiting, prince Zenon of Jomalia had finally showed up and came in through the double doors. I make my way through the crowd and smile at him to greet him like I did with all the rest of the men here. He smiles warmly at me and meets me halfway. He is tall with wavy black hair that frames his face with light brown eyes.

He bows to me and I return the favor. He takes my hand without saying a word to me and leads me to the center of the room to dance. His steps are light and he guides me easily across the floor, gaining attention from jealous girls lining the walls. He smiles down at me and decides to start a conversation.

"This must be hard for you. Having to meet new people on the basis of marriage." His smile falters as he tries to sympathize with me. I nod and look down at his chest. He gives me a moment of silence before speaking up again, "I'd have a hard time with that. I like the thought of marrying for love instead of power."

I look up at him and smile, "I'd like to marry for love too." He twirls me around and I return back in his arms, "Though as you can see, I don't have enough time to love anyone."

He takes in a breath and nods. We continue dancing for a while without speaking and it feels like we were together for longer than I had planned. I didn't spend much time with the other guys but with Zenon, I just let time fly. After a whole song had finished, Zenon leads me to a balcony where we can get some fresh air. "Your mother had informed us that you would choose a prince to marry tonight."

"What?" I didn't know she wanted me to choose tonight! Why didn't she tell me beforehand? I would have talked to the princes longer so I could actually get to know them.

"Oh, were you not informed?" He inquires while tilting his head. I shake mine to tell him no. "I see. Well, now that you know, is there anyone that catches your eye?"

I wrack my brain for anyone I had met tonight, but they were all boring and not very husband material. The only person I can possibly think of seriously would be prince Zenon. I look over to him and ponder if I should tell him that I am interested in him. He seems to be listening for my answer but is also occupied by looking in the distance for something. Nobody else is supposed to arrive, so he is probably just looking at the view.

"Well..." I start off, "Everyone is very nice, but you were the only one that I connected with tonight." He looks over to me and leans on the railing. I take a step near him and hold my hands in front of my body, waiting for his reaction.

"I can give you a fairytale ending if you desire." He tells me with serious eyes, "But only if you choose me."

I look down and think about what I should do. My mother knocks on the glass door that leads to the balcony and walks up to me, acknowledging Zenon first before talking to me. "I know this is sudden, but I need to tell you something."

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now