14 Bed Rest

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My eyes open slowly to the sunlight beaming in through the unfamiliar window. I rub my eyes and try to move into a sitting position but something is keeping me in place. A heavy arm is over my torso, keeping me both warm and in place. The nerves in my body start to work as I also feel a foot over my right one that is slightly behind my left one. Short warm breaths are sent to my neck and ear from behind. The steady rhythmic gusts of hot hair tickle my neck and makes me move my head. I can only piece this together and guess that it is Calum behind me.

I turn around in his arms to where I am facing him and think of what to do to wake him up. His face looks different when he sleeps. He almost seems... innocent. I can't help but imagine him with white hair when it changes to match his soul frequency. My mind wanders off the trail and his hair turns darker in my imagination. I blink before any bad thoughts come in and place my hand on his exposed cheek. As soon as I let it slide down his eyes open and look directly at me. No emotions is coming from those blue eyes I used to love looking at and I could only describe them as looking like they are restarting like a computer. His eyes flicker a couple times and a smile appears on his face as he looks at me.

"Sleep well?" He asks me. I can't lie, I slept pretty good with the extra warmth and comfort but I'd never admit that to him. I only nod my head and let him take my nonverbal communication. He lets go of me and sits up to stretch. He is not wearing a shirt but I distinctly remember him wearing clothes last night when I went to sleep. I panic and look down to see if I am still wearing my shirt but nothing has been touched on me. I mentally thank God that Calum wouldn't do anything to me. He must have taken it off when he got too hot in the night.

I look over to him as he raises his arms above his head and realize that I have never really paid attention to his physique. With his shirt off I can see his muscles stretch with him and can only imagine that his toned back matches the front. I start to feel bad about myself. Compared to him, what do I have that he wants? Sure I am one of the prettiest in my Kingdom, but that's all I am. Pretty.

He puts on his shirt that was on the ground and I get off the bed. I stop walking to the door when I remember something. How did I wake up? Yumi always has to wake me up with loud noises but today I could wake up by myself. "Calum?" I ask while facing him. He is now on the opposite side of the room and glances at me while answering with a 'mmm.'

"Why was I able to wake up on my own today and not any other day." I ask him. He looks back up at me while grabbing clothes to change into for breakfast. "Oh, that's because you were with me. When you're with me, my Queen, everything is perfect." I give him a slow blink. He is not being serious with me. It's probably because he has magic or whatever. That's basically the cause of everything happening to me. He starts smirking at me and heads to the bathroom. He tossing his clothes on the sink before running up next to me when I head for the door. He opens it for me and I give him a suspicious glance but leave anyway. He grabs a shoulder of mine and pulls me back slightly to give me a hug. I roll my eyes and let him give me a hug from behind. "Hug me back." He tells me.

"No" I say, moving my head away from him.

"You owe me for last night." He reminds me of him letting me sleep even though I didn't agree to marry him. I decide that a hug isn't going to change my feelings for him or my mind so I turn and return the embrace. His hug feels natural as if I'm used to being with him already but I know this is just what he wants: normalcy. He wants me to rely on him and feel empty when he is gone. I won't give in so easily.

Clicking sounds resonate in my ears and I quickly let go of him before the maid sees us together. I was too late and she had already seen us. She tilts her head at my and his attire and her eyes light up when she recognizes the situation. She knows I had stayed the night with him by seeing us together by his door in our nightgowns at this time in the morning. I want to scream at her and tell her it is not what she thinks, but how could anyone not think this? Nobody knows he controls my sleep pattern so I can't tell her I 'had' to come here. She quickly turns on her heal and goes back in the direction she came from. Great.

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