3 Tricked by the Mystery Guest

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Yumi finishes up with my hair in a low bun and a small golden tiara as I stare into the full-body mirror at my ball gown. It is varying shades of blue with puffs of purple on my shoulders.

The party downstairs in the main ballroom has already started and almost all the guests have arrived.

I walk downstairs and slip into the loud, busy room without being noticed. Princes from all over are talking to various girls and don't cast a glance around them. I walk to a big table decorated with small finger food and wonderful sweets. My mouth waters at the delicate chocolate truffles next to a chocolate fountain because I wasn't allowed to eat before the ball. My mother told me that I need to fit into my corset so I can't eat until after the ball.

Promoting healthy habits I see, mother.

Speaking of my mother, as I reach my hand out to grab a tiny snack, she smacks it out of my hand and scolds me for trying to eat and potentially getting my dress soiled. I apologize to her and follow her instructions to talk to the princes in the room. The first guy I make eye contact with is with the prince of Yolonda and he politely tells the girl next to him that he was leaving and walks toward me. Well I guess this is the beginning of my future, Y/N...

??? POV

I walk into the large, clean castle dressed in a light blue shirt and a grey tailcoat with black slacks. I present myself to the guard as Prince Zenon from Joemalia and he doesn't question me on that. As I walk into the ballroom, my eyes scan the spacious area for a certain H/C girl. I find her talking to a blonde guy who is dressed in purple garb, obviously trying to appear more important than he is. Rolling my eyes, I walk over to the two talking and plan to take her aside to talk.

Before I can walk three steps forward, I am grabbed from behind and yanked out of the room.

"You are not Prince Zenon! The real prince has arrived with his invitation in hand! I demand to know who you are!" The guard asks me with a very stern tone.

"I am Prince Calum from Karow. If I am not mistaken, you have declared a royal ball for all of the surrounding kingdoms, but I do believe that my kingdom had not received an invitation." I say sternly to get my point across that they had not been fair with the invitations. Instead of having an adult conversation, the idiot guard of Theruma yells.

"You do not belong here! You will be imprisoned immediately!"


I have finished talking to the last prince in this room and already feel drained from all these sociable people. I would rather curl up in my blankets with a nice glass of hot chocolate and read than be around a room full of people. My mother turns me around so that I am facing her and give her my full attention.

"Now that you have spoken with all of the princes, you must choose which one you want to marry." She says with a smile.

I deadpan at her and repeat her words in my head so I could react. She wants me to choose so soon? I wish she had told me this earlier so that I would have asked more serious questions other than trying to be nice and quickly leaving the conversation. I try to think back to my trip to each kingdom to figure out which one I liked best before remembering a crucial fact that I can use right now. This may be idiotic, but hey. I'll give it a shot.

"But mother, I have not spoken to all of the surrounding kingdoms yet." I say as a matter of fact.

"Sure you have, dear. Look around, there is no other prince here. Why don't you just pick your favor-" my mother was cut off from a servant who looks distressed.

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now