12 Trapped in a Maze

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The whole castle is bustling around with a skip in their step as they do their work. Yumi had woken me up earlier, irritated but still happy that I finally got some rest. I don't feel well still but it is great to shut my body down once in three nights. I head down to breakfast with my Mother and we talk about what the sickness could have resulted from. I didn't tell her about my theory about Calum and his magic because I want to consult him first.

My mother chats about how she wants the wedding to look like and her vision of her passing her crown down to me. She also reminisces on her wedding with my Father, the late King, and starts to tear up. I listen to everything she has to say and leave her when I am done with my food. The Prince did not show up for breakfast so me may still be in his room finishing up work like he did before. I make my way to his quarters and knock.

He opens the door and lets me in with open arms and I graciously put my arms around his neck. He came back just for me. His father probably got our note and sent him, or maybe he wanted to send someone else and Calum wanted to come instead. Either way I am grateful for the company.

Calum looks into my eyes for a moment and I see that he is beyond happy for some reason. I recall the workers happy this morning and on my way over here and wonder if he is happy because of the same reason. "Did something happen?" I ask him.

He nods his head and looks down to the floor while releasing me. "Yes." Why doesn't anyone tell me these things!? Am I not important enough to keep in the loop? "My father was reported dead this morning."

His body language expresses that he is heartbroken, but his eyes tell me otherwise. "I'm so sorry. How did the news spread so fast?" To send a note regarding this, it would at least take around half a day to receive it.

"I guess good news travels fast from word of mouth." He laughs. Wait, is he happy that his Father is dead? This should be a mourning time for him, not a laughing one! Sure, his Father is evil and most of the people in his own Kingdom hated him and also the surrounding ones, but shouldn't his own son at least feel a bit of sadness?

"Why do you seem happy?" I ask him. I understand why everyone else is because the King was awful, but why him?

He tilts his head to think before responding, "It's for the best." Something about his response seems off, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Before I could ask him anymore questions, someone knocks on his door and he answers it. Another maid had come to tell him to get prepared for a speech this afternoon. She did not see me in the room so she spoke in a tone only loud enough for him to hear. I walk up closer to eavesdrop even though someone has probably been sent to my room to tell me the same thing.

There is a scheduled speech this afternoon to the public about the death of the King of Karow and what actions we will do about it. I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about what Calum is going to say, but if we prepare before hand we should be fine.

The maid leaves and I decide to stay in his room a bit longer before leaving too. I sit on his bed and wait for him to walk back. "What should we say to the people?" I ask him. She shakes his head and sits next to me and thinks about it.

"How about we just wing it?" He suggests. I stare at him in disbelief but then break out in a laugh. Surely he wasn't serious.

"I'm serious" He says.

Okay I was wrong. How could he want to be put on the spot like that and not know what to say? That's a presenters worst nightmare. "No, we are going to prepare." I tell him.

We spend the next few hours coming up with things to say about his death and how Theruma is going to continue to move forward with making peace with Karow. Calum is going to talk about his brother and how they are going to make sure that everyone in Karow is treated fairly just like Theruma.

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