2 Tricked by the Mystery Guest

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This cover was made by _JaneWolf_ on wattpad. Check their other covers out, they're really good!

As I prepare for the journey to Karow, I can't help this feeling of dread in my head. Should I be going into enemy territory and risking my life to quell my curiosity? 

Oh well.

I do the same routine of hiding my clothes and re-wearing the same purple robe and head wrap and set off for the two hour journey. As I near closer, I notice that the trees appear to be sickly and fog is surrounding this strange land as if it was meant to confuse and trap you in its cloud of uncertainty.

I hop off my horse and tie him up by a tree far from the castle gates so that nobody can steal him from me and I don't have to walk back to my kingdom. Drawing close to the gates, two guards grab me from behind and drag me into the kingdom. I was pushed onto the ground and told to get back to work as they go back to their posts outside the walls. I wander around the shanty village and notice families sitting outside their homes, not daring to step foot inside. They work on knitting, sewing, shining, or doing various small tasks on their porches. I continue forward and reach a small clearing before entering a market area. People are yelling various items out loud to passerby's, hoping to gain a customer.

There is something odd about this place. Everyone here has short black hair except for the children who have white. I can see a hint of silver here and there, but it always has specs of black strands tainting it. I feel glad that I have my head covered because if they see my long H/C they will suspect something.

I walk down to where there is an actual market store and peer in to find a guy hectically selling fish. As my curiosity grew to find out how many people could possibly fit inside of this small shack, someone roughly grabs my arm from behind. A man in his forties glowers down at me and says, "City woman think they can wander outside their homes. Ha! Bad decision, girl. Give me the money you carry, now!"

The pressure on my arm tightens as I try to free myself from his grasp. I look him in the eyes and demand to be let go. He gives me a disgusting smirk, his poorly shaven beard moving in unison with his wrinkling skin. His dead, grey eyes peering down on mine like a cat with a dead mouse. He reaches for my pocket and rips it clean off, causing all of my money on that side to spill on the ground. People from around us scramble on the floor to take it and start running off. The man's smirk grows dark as he picks up a coin from the ground.

"This is not Karowian currency." He glares at me and growls, "You! You are from Theru-"

His voice is cut off by the sound of horns coming from the kingdom gates. I turn around to see everyone on the road scatter to the sidewalks and stay still. The once bustling street became a silent horror movie. The male that was once accusing me is now holding a stone cold expression, as if he was a child that got caught stealing cookies before dinner. Soon, fear replaces everyone's features as sounds of wheels echo off the walls of the few structures around me and seem to be muffled by the incoming fog. What appears to be a fancy wagon comes down the street while people bow down for it. It is a giant brown carriage with golden yellow trimming. On the front and back sides it has what appears to be a carving of fire. On the other two sides it has an emblem of some sort. This must be a royalty carriage.

I stand on my toes to peer into it, but on my side there are red curtains blocking my view. The driver is a lanky male with black hair and beady red eyes. He looks very intimidating and I secretly hope that he never looks at me.

Everyone around me is now bowing down for the carriage and I am the only one left standing. It is not my custom for my subjects to bow down to me, so I wasn't prepared to bow down too. It is slightly ahead of me now and it is too late for me to bow because it is already passing. A guard from behind me grabs me and yells at the driver.

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