17 Rage

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The morning light shines from the nearby window and wakes me up. I stretch my body out and look around at my surroundings. I am alone in Calum's bedroom with all the sheets piled neatly on top of me. I wipe my eyes and get off of the bed. Something important is today, right? My mind is foggy and I look over to the bedside table next to me. There is a sticky note on my crown that someone must have placed when I was asleep. Plucking the note off of the shiny object, I read the lovely cursive writing. 

'To my future wife,

It is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding so I need to stay away from you for a couple hours, even though it crushes me to part from you. You are sleeping so peacefully next to me and I just can't wait to see you sleeping next to me every day for the rest of our lives. Maids will help you get ready for the big day. I hope you are excited just as much as I am. I love you. See you soon.

Yours Always,

Prince Calum'

I fold the note up and set it back down. He is extremely cheesy today and I hope it is not just to get me to love him again. I need something genuine and not fake like this. I forget the note and do my normal morning routine. Once I finish cleaning myself and detangling my hair, I hear a knock at the door and open it. There are three maids here to help me get ready for the big day. One maid holds a large white gown while the other holds a box of makeup tools. The third maid has some things for the hair and other miscellaneous items. I am directed into the big bathroom and told to sit down on a stool they brought in.

I will probably be sitting on this chair for the next couple of hours so I might as well not bore myself to death. I look at the closest girl next to me who is filing down my toenails. I clear my throat to catch her attention. "How do you like working here?" I ask her a simple starter question to get the conversation started. She continues doing her task on my feet and thinks for a moment.

"It has been good. It's better than being home and struggling to fine work." She tells me. I look over to another maid and she nods her head to agree with the first girl.

"What is your names?" I ask all of them. The first girl's name is Clara and the second one is Airia. The third speaks up from behind me while she brushes my hair, "Erica's my name." She says, "If I may ask you a question, why did you decide to marry Calum?"

Oh the question of the year.. They must all have been curious about me and I can't blame them. "He will provide peace for all the Kingdoms here."

"Ah, so you thought with your brain and not your heart. That may have been a good choice for everyone." Airia says.

"But was it the best choice for her?" Erica asks the other girls.

Everyone shakes their heads at her question and I ask what it was that she meant by that. Erica finishes brushing my hair and starts to curl it with the preheated iron. "Well he isn't a bad choice."

"Yes, he isn't the worst." Airia giggles, "You could have been stuck with Burion." All the girls laugh and Clara pretends to gag. They tell me that Burion was the name of the Advisor guy that recently died after the King did. They chat about how he did his work in a very particular manner and got on everyone's nerves. I laugh along with them when another person comes into the room. A short girl named Hana walks in with a tray of food and plops it on my lap. "Talking about someone after he just died is rude and distasteful," She scoffs at us, "Buuuuuuuuuut~"

All the girls start laughing again after they realize she was joking. An hour passes by quickly as we talk the whole time and they worked. When a pause of silence makes an appearance in their conversation, I pose another question to them. "How do you all feel about Rezin being King?"

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now