16 Rage

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My Mother and I are waiting in the main ballroom of the castle until our scheduled time to talk to the future King of Karow. We were told that he is extremely busy and doesn't have much time to talk with us. I don't know what my Mother is planning by dragging us here. Why couldn't I just rule with someone different and he says here? He is the one who called it off so it is not my fault.

I hear a lot of voices outside of the doors of the room. There must be something major going on here. Now that I have this time to look around the room, it is very different from my ballroom. Mine is light and makes you feel calm. Karow's Kingdom in general makes you shiver by looking at the décor because it is kind of creepy looking.

Someone enters the double doors on our left and ushers us out of the room. We follow him down a few halls and enter into a slightly smaller room. There are seats lined up in rows of twenty on each side of the room. There are about thirty rows that are divided in half by a red and black carpet that leads up to two red thrones. On one of the thrones sits Calum. He is sitting sideways on the tall seat and his head is in his hands with his eyes closed. He must be really bored if he can sit so uncomfortably like that. His crown is also different. Did he trade his Prince crown for the King's crown that fast? Is he allowed to do that if he is not King yet? Come to think of it, I have to get married before I can be Queen but Calum can rule as King alone? Sexism to the max..

My Mother makes her presence known as she stomps her heels on the ground while walking to him. I remain still at the door, hesitant to take a single step. Calum opens his eyes and his blue orbs lock onto mine. He completely ignores my Mother and only looks at me in the very back of the room. I stand awkwardly and don't know what to do. His face is emotionless and bored just like when we first met at the ball. Has he reverted back to his original state after he was done using me? Was this all really an act?

My Mother is now standing in front of him and turns around to tell me something. She is clearly upset that he is not paying any attention to her and wants me out of the way. Has my Mom turned into a petty teen? "Y/N get out." She orders me. What? I didn't hear her right. I couldn't have! Why would she make me suffer twelve hours with her to get here only to make me leave?

I do as she says anyways to make her happy and not get in any more trouble than I already have and leave out of the doors behind me. Instead of leaving though, I press my ears to the crack of the door. I don't care if anyone in the hallway sees me and gossips as long as I can hear. I can only hear muffles from how far away I am but I keep trying to tune my ears to hear something- anything!

I decide that it would be better if I just didn't eavesdrop and stay put. Hahah no that's not me.

There was another set of doors near the two thrones on the opposite side of the room. If I go around to the other side I could listen in. I keep close to the general area of the room and navigate myself around the halls to reach the right doors. I lean in and listen to as much as I can. I have to be extra cautious to the conversation so I know when my Mother is leaving and I have to rush back to the other set of doors.

"There is nothing I wish to do. I am done being nice to everyone." I hear Calum say.

"Please, my Prince! Our Kingdom would crumble without you!" My Mother pleads with him. Theruma would have been perfectly fine without him if he didn't show up in our lives.

"And why should I help? I have tried to make a home there and help but your daughter clearly doesn't want me there." He retorts. Is he sour towards me now? He kissed me right before he left my room and he's telling my mom that he isn't interested? What is going on!?

"She is obviously confused or sick! She needs you to guide her and teach her. We raised her pure and moldable for her husband to train for his preferences." She says. That's so sick. I am moldable so my husband can make me into whatever he wants?

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