22 Acceptance

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It's been not even forty minutes but it feels like hours. My shoulders ache in pain no matter what position I put them in. I had been left alone in my room, tied up with Calum's silver strands of hair that I had cut off a while back in his Kingdom. It's creepy to think that he may have planned to tie me up with his hair long before I had even cut it. He also kept the hair when coming back to Theruma!

I can't concentrate on this new pain forming in my neck when thoughts of my Mother form in my head. How is he going to murder someone this time? He can't get away with it when they are having dinner unless he poisons her too. No! Mom please be smarter than you have been and get away!

My Mother has been on Calum's side ever since the ball she threw for me to find a husband. This is all my fault. I should have never agreed to marry him and should have accepted the consequences of leaving my kingdom. He had no real proof of me being in his Kingdom other than the sorcerer and maybe a few people but I could have persuaded my people into not believing him. This is all wrong. Once my Mother is gone, it will only be me and Calum.

Oh God. Only me and Calum. What would he ask of me when I can't refuse him anymore? I can not longer run to my Mother or Yumi for help or conversation anymore. I have nobody left except for the maids and servants that I had barely spoken to. The thought of us alone together for the rest of our lives scares me.

The door to my room is unlocked and I quickly turn my head to see Calum walk in the room. He locks back the door and smirks at me from where he stands. There is a plate of food in his hands. He goes over to the wardrobe that had been put into my room for Calum's things when he starts moving in and takes out some pants to use as sleepwear and starts to take off his clothes in front of me after setting down the plate. Even though we had both already seen each other naked, it doesn't mean that I am comfortable looking at him naked all the time. I look at the wall to distract myself and he notices my embarrassment. As much as I would like to look at him to see is I can spot any blood, I don't want him taking off his pants and smirking at me.

"My Love, why won't you look at me?" He asks with a soft voice.

"Because you killed my Mother." I say with disgust. My voice must have returned after some time had passed but I didn't notice.

He is done changing and only wears clothes on the lower half of his body. He grabs the plate of food and walks to my side of the bed and sets it down on the bedside table. His hands outstretch under my torso to get me into a sitting position on my bed. I wince in pain as my arms move up with my body. "I did not kill your Mother, Y/N." He sounds serious as he speaks. When he says my name instead of 'my love' or 'my queen,' he means business. "I simply wanted to scare you into thinking that I would. I need you to know that if you disobey me than there will be consequences."

My hearts beats fast when I hear that my Mother is safe. But would he really kill her if I slip up once? "What did you do in that hour then?" I ask him suspiciously. If he wasn't plotting against my Mother, what was he doing?

Calum grabs the fork and knife on the plate and glances up at me. I don't like the sight of him holding the knife in his right hand at all. "I simply went down to eat dinner with your Mother. She is worried about you." He cuts a small piece of chicken and stabs it with the fork. I watch as he brings it up to me. Is he going to feed me? Surely he could just untie me and let me do it myself.

"You were eating with her for an hour?" I ask. My Mother is a busy woman, she wouldn't chat with him that long if she was so worried about me.

"I took a walk around the place and went back into the kitchen to fetch you a plate of food. Now open." He says. The fork is at my lips and I can smell all the delicious aroma of spices filling my nose. I comply and open my mouth to welcome the nutrients I haven't got today besides breakfast. I let my eyes close as I enjoy the flavors and open them back to see Calum frowning. "Now you are obedient? That's a shame." He cuts off another piece and brings it to me. "I wanted to feed you myself."

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now