8 Dark Truth

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Calum stumbles over to the window next to me and looks at what is happening around us

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Calum stumbles over to the window next to me and looks at what is happening around us. Once he sticks his head out, people around us turn their heads and yell. A group of men charge after our carriage and hit the side, rocking it and pushing us backwards. I fall on my back next to the seat we were on earlier and Calum falls next to me and quickly gets back up.

He yells for me to stay on the ground and goes back to the window and yells for the driver to go faster. I hear the crowd getting louder and feel the carriage rocking back and forth much harder as people try to knock it down. I hear a loud scream coming from the driver as he is pulled off this seat in the front and slammed onto the ground. We are tossed up and thrown back down to the right of the carriage when the mob breaks off a wheel. Once they have us immobile they go berserk. They start beating on the walls to get us to either come out or get injured in the process. I try to get on my feet but Calum stops me and tells me to stay in the car. I try to stop him from getting out but trip over the broken table that had been tossed during the wreckage. People clear the way for him to get out for some reason and stop chanting as loud for death. I guess even when they are furious they are still fearful of their Prince.

He stares out into the crowd and demands to know what happened while he was gone. He points to a man who looks like he has something to say and everyone stares at him.

"We are rebelling because our Prince has betrayed us. What right do you have to keep us here while you are aloud to sleep around with non-magicals? You're just like your father." The man spits at him. The crowd around him starts to nod and agree with him. Calum looks slightly taken aback but keeps his composure.

"And this makes you so upset that you destroy everything you have around you? Do you all want to die so soon?" Calum speaks in an aggressive tone. "You barely have anything right now and you try to make it harder for you and your neighbors to live? Look at the women and children cowering in the shacks behind us. Look at the wasted food in the markets being thrown on the ground. Look at the person behind you and next to you, do you want to be responsible for killing them and leaving a wife widowed and a child fatherless? You must build each other up and take what you can." Calum speaks like a true King even though he is just a Prince.

People around him shift in their spots and realize what they have been doing. Some are still angry and try to pick a fight. "Well if we already made a mess," One guy speaks up, "Then it won't hurt if we make a bigger one." The guy from the back runs up toward Calum and stops halfway when I get out of the carriage. I walk past Calum and catch his attention and everyone stares at me. My steps are light and my whole being is an aura so different to them. I wonder how I kept low when I was here before, but I guess now is a bit different now that I am not dressed in robes. My golden heels click against the stone pavement and my white and gold dress sweeps across the dusty ground. My golden crown shines bright on my flowing H/C hair. The crowd takes steps back until they make a path for me to my destination. I spot a nice stair step next to a statue of the King on a horse and walk up to it. I turn around to address the crowd in a more polite and different manner than Calum had. He breaks out of his interest in my confidence and runs up to me. I clear my throat to speak but get cut off by someone in the crowd yelling, "That's the woman our Prince is trading us for!" The guy gets people mad again and they charge towards me. They only freeze when Calum steps up next to me and wraps a protective arm around me and glares at all of them. I see fear in all of them and look up to Calum to see what they are so afraid of. Instead of my E/C eyes meeting beautiful blue ones, I see deep red eyes burning into the souls of everyone in front of us. My own soul starts to shrivel by looking at him and a bit of fear is implanted in me. Shaking this feeling off, I attempt to speak again.

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