7 Dark Truth

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I wake up to sounds of pots and pans being hit together by my bedside again and a very frustrated Yumi beside me. She stops making noise as she sees me awake and sighs. "Has your diet changed? Are you not getting enough sleep that you are not waking up like usual? I can't keep doing this everyday, Princess."

I rub my eyes as I sit up on my bed and apologize to her as she leaves. I get ready and put on a simple white and gold dress and my golden triangle crown. I put on my heels and head down to the dining room where my mother waits for me. I take my seat across from her and the food comes out of the kitchen and onto the table. Calum must not be eating breakfast with us again I think as I take a bite of my eggs.

My mother doesn't talk today as we eat, instead she stays quiet and eats her food slowly. Her wrinkles are forming around her face as she ages every year and I wonder how she has been coping with father gone now. She says my happiness is all she cares about now, but I believe he still has a spot in her heart. I am halfway done with my food when Calum comes running in the room with a letter in hand. He locks eyes with me and smiles. "My father wants to meet you, Princess."

I take a sip of my water and look at him, "When?"

"Today. Please get ready and pack an overnight bag after breakfast." He says, turning on his heels and heading back to his room. I try to yell after him so he can explain why I need an overnight bag, but he is already gone. My mother tells me to finish eating before I get ready and I comply. When I am done, I leave the dining room and grab a suitcase. I don't know exactly what to pack, but I have Yumi help me with it and we stuff it full with anything I could possibly need. I was notified that a carriage from Karow had arrived to pick us up and I head downstairs to the foyer to go outside.

Calum is talking to the driver and laughing. He stops talking and helps me into the seat before getting in after me. It is a sunny day outside and the sunlight shines off of the dark black carriage with silver decorations. Two horses are tied up in front, one black and one white. This reminds me of the King and Queen, where the king was of darkness and the queen was pure good. Is this similar to me and Calum?

The inside matches the outside with similar colors and designs. The leather seats are comfortable and lines the back and front of small vehicle with a table in the middle. On top of this table is what appears to be a game board. Calum sees my curiosity and asks if I'd want to play. I shake my head no and decide it would be best to play only if we were bored. There is a long journey ahead of us and I don't want to waste the game in the beginning of it.

We end up sitting on the same side and I take the window seat. I remember that when he passed me in a similar carriage when I was at his kingdom he had curtains.

"Calum?" I call for him. He hums in response. "Why does your carriage have curtains?"

He ponders on the question and looks at the crown on my head before responding, "I don't want people to look in and see what I have and try to attack." He fixes my crooked golden crown and gives his attention back to me.

"How has your people not rebelled yet? I have seen their living conditions and nobody trusts anyone." I ask him. If everyone has magic in his kingdom how has there not been a civil war in his kingdom?

"Fear," he explains, "Everyone fears my family because we are one of the most powerful people in the entire land. Even in your kingdom, Princess, we are still the most powerful. We could use magic in many ways you couldn't even think of." He scoots closer to me and pulls me next to him. He takes my crown off my head and puts it on the seat next to us. He takes off his black and silver crown and places it on my head. Leaning into my ear he whispers, "And I can't wait until I get to try out some magic on you."

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