5 Captured

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Bright sunlight invades my space and wakes me up. Well- at least I wish that was the case. Yumi stands above me with two skillets and stops hitting them together. She looks distressed and worried as I sit up to face her. "You must have turned into a rock when you slept." Yumi said with a slight smirk playing on her features.

I check the clock on the wall near me and see it is a couple minutes passed dinnertime. I quickly get up and try to remember how I fell asleep so easily, "Sorry Yumi, I guess I was really tired."

"Don't worry about it, Princess. Please head down to dinner now, they are waiting." Yumi says with a smile as she takes her leave from my room. I nod before she leaves and look around my room for any clues on what happened before I went to sleep. I remember that Calum came into my room and played the music box before I fell asleep and I had a question I really wanted to ask him. What was that question? It feels so important but I can't remember...

I take one last look around my room before giving up on remembering and walk out of my room. Passing through many hallways, I reach the foyer and go into the kitchen where my mother and Calum are seated with plates and silverware neatly laid in front of them. As I near, I hear their previous conversation.

"Really, thank you for helping her through this. You will be a great husband to her." My mother tells Calum.

"I was only distracting her, I do not think that is a good trait for a husband to have." Calum responds to her.

Once they realize I am in the room, my mother stands up from her seat in front of Calum and points to the seat next to him for me to sit at. I obey and take a seat and patiently wait for the meal to arrive. My mother picks back up the conversation and asks about my nap I took earlier.

Once the food is in front of us, my mom takes small bites and chats to us about small things that has happened in her past, completely ignoring the fact that my father, and her husband, is now dead. The silver prince next to me continues to eat quietly and every now and then gives her a patient smile as she speaks. I eventually get frustrated and put down my fork on my plate of unfinished food. "Calum could have saved father and he refused. Is this the son you want, mother? Oh, perhaps you do because you clearly have forgotten about father after only a couple hours." I say bitterly.

Calum turns his head to me and gives me a frown. I must have said something wrong but I don't care. If my life is going to crash, might as well go down all the way.

My mother speaks up with furrowed brows, "Dear, Calum was asleep when your father died. When he woke up a maid I sent to his room told him about it and he was ordered to keep you busy so you wouldn't have to worry about it."

I look over to the prince who is eating his last bites of food, completely out of the conversation. "As for me Dear, I have been preparing for his death for months now. The King would not want me to mourn for him, but to look forward to my daughter's new life."

I look down at my plate. I had been completely wrong about Calum. But if this is true, why didn't he tell me that my father was already dead instead of pretending that he doesn't want to heal him!? "Why didn't you guys want me to know this? He is my father and I have every right to-" my mother cuts me off mid sentence. "Darling you need to keep a pure, innocent mind at all times before you get married. This type of news would make you upset for a longer period of time, so it was the best way."

The only thing I can do at this point is keep my head down until they leave. I am embarrassed now that I have said such rude things to them when I am supposed to be pure. I pick at my food and think of ways I could apologize to the Prince next to me. A couple minutes pass as my mother excuses herself and a maid comes behind her and takes her dishes away. I lift my head up to her empty seat and take in a deep breath before talking. Calum puts down his silverware and pats his mouth with a napkin as I turn to him in my seat.

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now