18 Rage

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Calum had woken me up by rubbing my back and whispering in my ear. We had stayed in the same position since last night and I feel the need to stretch. He watches me as I open my eyes and examine my surroundings before looking at him. He smiles at me and lets me sit up and follows my movements. "Sleep well?" He asks me. I just nod and rub my eyes. He keeps his eyes on me as I swing my legs off the bed and stand up.

I go into the bathroom and get ready for the day. Once I am done, I leave the bathroom and see Calum already dressed and waiting for me. He gets up from the edge of the bed and holds his hand out for me to take. I grab it and he debriefs me as we walk out of the room. "We have to start making proposals for the council to review of how to fix Karow and Theruma to bring peace. I also have to make sure everything is in order for Rezin to take over when I leave."

I listen to him as he talks about what type of paperwork we have to go through and how he wants me to write down my experiences in Karow and what I saw that I could fix. We reach the office where we will be working at and we work across from each other. Breakfast was delivered to us and we continued to work while eating. I write down observations I had made about the economy and suggested that the tax money collected should be equally distributed to the poor and rich sides of the Kingdom. Volunteer work should also be encouraged to help the outskirts and rebuild their city. People should also be able to leave Karow and explore different Kingdoms like the rest of us can.

Magic used for medicines and cooking should be exported to make a profit to gain the money for rebuilding the infrastructure. I write down a lot of ideas and ways to get it going and how to get the money to do it. We spend hours in this room and someone knocks on our door asking if we wanted lunch delivered to us here too. Calum looks to me and tells the maid that we will be eating with the others. I smile knowing that I won't have to be stuck in this room doing more work without a break. I finish up my thoughts on the paper I was reviewing and set it aside. We both stand up and go to the dining room where my Mother, Yumi, Rezin, and Rezin's girl are waiting for us.

"Always so slow." Rezin clicks his tongue at us and shakes his head in disappointment. Everyone laughs at his joke as we take our seats. I sit next to Calum who is at the head of the table and Rezin is at my other side along with his girl. My Mother is across from me and Yumi is next to her.

Lunch is brought out for us and we start eating. Rezin seems to hate quiet because he kept bringing up a new topic to talk about. "So I was thinking I should change my hair to blue. What do you all think?"

We laugh at his question. "Blue means you're a cold hearted person. You don't want that one." Calum explains to him.

"Oh? How come you didn't get blue hair then?" He asks Calum.

Calum rolls his eyes and looks to me. "I think my heart is plenty warm, don't you think Y/N?" He directs a question at me. I nod and he smiles. His heart is full of love for me but I think it's a little too much. If anything, it's on fire.

"Oh~ well maybe I should take a tab out of your book..." He looks over to the girl next to him and she innocently looks to him. He swings an arm around her and harshly pulls her to him. He slams his head on hers and she winces in slight pain. He gets his lips close to her ear and shouts, "LOVE ME!" The girl gets out of his grip and frowns at him. Rezin turns to Calum and frowns too. "Your method didn't work."

Calum sighs and puts his head in his hands. I let my head drop too and laugh. In a way, that is exactly what he did to me. Rezin shoots me a look and smiles.. "Hey Y/N.." Oh no this can't be good. "Did he do this to you yet?" He turns to the girl next to him, Taunii I think is her name, and hugs her tightly so she can't move and he kisses her neck quickly and in a violent manner. Taunii giggles and tries to get out of his grip and my face grows red. Calum hasn't done anything like that to me and I wish Rezin wouldn't do that in front of my Mother..

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