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A full year has passed since the 'disappearance' of Calum, King of Karow and Theruma, 'loving' husband to F/N L/N, son of King Kreish and Queen Hayune, brother of Rezin Graeshum. I have been running two kingdoms by myself by hiring multiple advisors to watch over both. I decided it was best to announce to everyone that Calum had disappeared one night rather than telling them he died. They would want to hold a funeral for the passing and I cannot allow that. I don't want to see Calum ever again after that night. Besides, there was no body found for us to place in the casket.

"... I shoot him now and you be free, or I shoot him and you live in sorrow over your dead husband." The male in front of me proposes. I don't need to think about this. Calum has done way too much for me to forgive him. How can I even trust him in the future? What if we had kids together and I end up just like the late Queen of Karow? I have been waiting for a chance to escape from him for a long time and this is my chance.

"Kill him." I say to the male. He nods and looks to Calum. Calum stares at me with intensity and looks heartbroken. I have ripped out his heart and stepped on it, shattering it into thousands of tiny unfixable pieces. Calum glares at the man with the gun and chooses to not go down without a fight. Calum punches the male and moves swiftly to the side to avoid the first shot coming out of the gun. They fight for barely a minute before the second shot comes out and hits Calum in the chest, immobilizing him and causing him to fall on the ground in pain. The dark male reloads his gun and runs up to me.

"Quickly, take the magic out and lets go." He orders me. I nod and focus on transferring the magic all to me. Once it was all out and the crystal ball was once again clear, I give the ball to the man. He tosses it on the couch where it was originally placed and turns back to me. I hear grunts of pain from Calum when he is shot again in the stomach. He should bleed out soon if his body doesn't shut down already.

"Please explain to me what just happened." I confront the male before he can turn to shoot Calum again.

He looks agitated at me but he knows I deserve to know what went on. "My master, Zenon, sent me to spy on you after the ball. He wanted you to choose him and went insane after you declined him. I recognized Zenon's behavior because Calum has the same thing: dark infatuation with you. I have seen many things that have went on and once my master was killed I had to get revenge. I used what magic was available to me to infiltrate your castle and found the perfect timing to kill him. Now that I am done, I must return back to where I came from."

When we both turn our heads to look at Calum, shock resonates in the room. There is no longer any body on the ground. Calum is gone.

I was assured that he was badly wounded and on the brink of death that he probably crawled someplace while we were talking and died. It is a bit creepy to think that his dead body is somewhere in this castle but I'd rather not think about it.

The kingdoms went through immense grieving along with my Mother and I had to fake it. I never stepped foot in the new room set up for me and Calum after that incident last year and stayed in my room. There has been one thing bothering me, other than the creepily decaying body hidden somewhere. The Queen piece in the joint shared room had appeared in my room a week after his death and on my bed. It was placed in the crook of the wood board at the foot of my bed. Every time I would move it or throw it out, it would come back and rest at the footboard of my bed. I eventually stopped moving it and left it there.

I no longer have to marry anyone to be Queen because I am now a widow myself. Everything has been running smoothly for the past six months except for the fact that now I have no offspring to carry on the royal bloodline. I'll cross that bridge when I get there though.

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