19 Lemon

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76% (76 people) of you wanted a lemon, 16% (16 people) of you didn't care either way, and 8% (8 people) wanted to stay innocent (Bless you)

61% (61 people) of you wanted a lemon with details wtf is wrong with you perverts.

Thank you (I think) to those of you who took the poll. Here's what you asked for so I need to put up a warning...


This does not affect the story so if you don't want to read, please just skip this.


"You owe me." Calum whispers in my ear. I tilt my head. What could he want from me?

He stands up with my legs still wrapped around him and pushes my torso down onto the couch. His eyes dart to the door and his eyes turn orange before looking back to me and smiling. Is he going to make me fall asleep? He unbuttons his shirt from top to bottom and takes it off. My eyes widen and a hard blush forms on my face for two reasons. One, I know what he wants me to give him. Two, with his shirt off I can see his toned torso that will soon be pressed on mine. I try to unlock my legs from his hips but he keeps them there by putting his hands on my legs to stop me.

My body is lifted off the couch and he wraps his arms around me. His lips find mine and I let myself melt into his touch. Knowing everything about him now, I don't see why I didn't trust him. Sure I didn't know anything about him before so I had a right to not like him. Now that I know his true motives I can't say no to him. I don't want to. I'm tired of rebelling all the time and I want what he wants. Happiness. I want to be happy and if it is with him then so be it.

His hands travel down to my lower back and his hands slip under my shirt, raising it along with his warms hands. His hands are strong when he grabs at my skin and massages it. My muscles on my back tense and relax at his kneading motions. I let my left arm wrap around his neck and my right hand grab a fistful of his hair. He takes ahold of my shirt and lifts it over my head when I put my arms up. He takes my legs off of him and starts kissing me again.

With my eyes still closed and our lips parted, I hear the sound of a belt buckle. I open my eyes and see him undoing the fastened belt around his hips. He slides the belt from under the loops of his black pants and tosses it to the ground beside us. He looks into my eyes and puts his hands on my knees and swipes them in an upward motion, dragging my skirt up my thighs until it reaches the band on my waist. I lean on him and my arms are on his shoulders and sit up a bit so he can remove my skirt from under me and take it off over my head. It is thrown alongside our pile of clothing next to the desk.

I am only in my bra, panties, shoes, and crown. We kiss and sit on his lap and let my legs wrap around him again. My crown is slipping off my head and I ignore it. Calum grabs it before it falls and places it back on my head. "It's not going to stay." I tell him. He stops kissing me and his eyes turn orange while looking at it. "Now it will. I want you to wear it during our session."

I giggle at the word 'session,' "Oh? I didn't know I'm seeing a psychiatrist. What is our session about?"

He lets out a gruff laugh. I can tell he doesn't want to talk right now. "You didn't know? I was sent to fix your mind." He pushes me down on the couch and presses his lips to the skin where the neck and chin meet, forcing my head to look up at the couch's arm. "Now I just need you to lie down and let me inside your mind."

My face heats up at his innuendo and I shake my head. "I'm afraid you don't have permission to examine my brain." I play around with him and he smirks. I sit back up in rebellion and sit back on him. He leans back a little to take off my shoes. While doing this, I look at the couch we are on and wonder if it will even be comfortable on here. It's big enough for our lengths but the width isn't very big. I glance at the door behind us to see that it is locked. Did he lock it earlier? I start thinking about when his eyes turned orange the first time but stop when I feel something under me.

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now