15 Bed Rest

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I wake up to slight movement on my back. My body is cocooned in two layers of blankets and a pair of arms. My hands are against someone's chest and my left one is holding onto something. Sensation comes back into my nerves as my mind clears up and my eyes flutter open. I feel someone's foot on top of mine and see I was holding onto Calum's shirt. The feeling on my back must be from him rubbing it with his hand. I move my head up to match the height of his head and we lock eyes. He must have woke up before me.

"Good morning, my love." I hear him say. I try to remove myself from him to leave his room before someone sees us together and starts an even worse gossip chain. I think my Mother is the worst gossiper in this Kingdom. He lets me slide away from him and I get off the bed. He follows suit and stretches. "Will I see you for breakfast?" he asks as I reach the door.

I give him a curt nod as I turn the knob. He speaks louder as I get farther from him. "Have you rethought our marriage?" I shake my head and open the door to leave. I hear him sigh as I shut the door behind me and try to sneak my way through the halls and go to my room.

After an uneventful morning of breakfast and reading along with avoiding the Silver Prince, I find myself standing with him and my mother in the foyer where we were called to. A guest is arriving on short notice and was deemed important. She was sent from Karow so it must be important. Calum has his arm around my shoulders and I can't do anything about it when my Mother stands in front of us. She has been talking about boring things she has to deal with as a Queen and it makes me not want to become one.

Calum turns me in his arms and hugs me, "We can handle it, right?" He asks me. He knew I wasn't listening to her and is pushing me off the boat. I just nod and stand there. "After we are married we will handle everything together." He tells me loud enough for my Mother to hear. He tucks my hair behind my ears, "Are you excited for the wedding?"

He has got me in a bad spot here. Is this the moment I let my Mom know I don't want to marry him or do I let him continue filling everyone's heads with lies? "Mother, I need to tell you something." I say with a small voice and push Calum off of me. I need to act confident with this. How is she going to react? She was the first one to reject the wedding in the first place so I might get her to change her mind again, right?

"I don't want to marry Calum." I say with the most serious face I could put on at the moment. I am so nervous saying this that I am shaking. My Mother just stares at me and Calum acts hurt.

"Why is that?" She asks. Good! She is not mad.

"I-I don't know how to say this.." I choke up. How do I tell her that he is a manipulative liar that has poisoned me and controls my sleep?

She mistakes the situation entirely and her face lights up. "Oh, poor girl!" She clasps her hands together in front of her chest. "You are having cold feet. Don't worry, you're wedding will be perfect. There is no need to be nervous about it." She chats on about how she was also shy about the idea when marrying my Father. Calum smirks at me and I look defeated.

"No Mother. This is not about that. I don't want to marry him." I tell her sternly. She stops telling her story and stares at me.

"Do you want me to postpone it until you're comfortable?" She asks. I could stop here and tell her to keep setting it back or I could go further and risk it being pushed up.

"You're not hearing me correctly, Mother. I don't want to marry him." She looks extremely confused but gets distracted as the guests arrive through the doors. I hear shoes walking on the ground from behind me and I wonder who this person it. Not royalty or wealthy because I don't hear a click from a heel on the fancy shoes both men and women wear. I turn around and see a very familiar face.

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now