13 Bed Rest

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My head is foggy and a slight dull throbbing pain is felt on the back of my head. Sunlight fills my room and an upset Yumi stands over me again. I again end up apologizing to her but she tells me that she is getting used to it and now wants to put pans by my bed so it's easier for her. I let her get my clothes out and I get up from my bed. I recall what happened yesterday- or rather last night. Calum had given me a compelling argument as to why I shouldn't call off the marriage. This seems more like threats than reasons but what can I do? Maybe if I just keep brushing him off he will get uninterested in me and call it off himself?

I change into my clothes Yumi hands me and tell her that I'd rather stay in my room for breakfast. I really don't feel like seeing him at all today. Yumi tells me that both my Mother and future Husband are waiting for me downstairs. I reluctantly leave my room with her and walk into the dining room. Sure enough, both of them are seated at their respective seats and Calum places a hand on a seat next to him for me to take. I can't let my Mother know of the problems between me and him, but I don't want to give into his ideas so easily either.

I slowly walk to the seat next to Calum and try to sit as far as I can away from him on the edge of my seat. My Mother smiles at us as the food is brought out. I pick at my breakfast and don't eat much because my mind wanders elsewhere. I can feel Calum's eyes as he glances over to me every now and then. He keeps taking the opportunities when the Queen is distracted when she talks or eats and he does things to me. For example, at one point he placed his hand on my thigh and kept eating with his right hand like normal. I dropped my fork and caught my Mother's attention and she continued whatever she was doing and I ate with my left hand and put my right down to move his hand away. When I gave up trying to pry his hand off of me, I tried to ignore him but he started sliding his hand up. I put my hand back down and considered stabbing him with my fork. I used my nails to dig into his skin to relay the message across that I don't want him touching me but he squeezed my thigh and caught me off guard. I yelped and dropped my fork again and my Mother looked at me expectantly for an answer. I had to come up with some excuse about how I thought I saw a hair in my food but it was just a piece of the eggs on my plate.

When my Mother left us alone I glared at Calum for embarrassing me. He just smirked at me and gave my thigh another squeeze before letting go as I steer my fork in the direction of his hand. I left my plate on the table and abruptly stood up from my seat. I don't want to be a toy to him anymore so I head out to the library. I sit at my normal comfortable seat and relax. I close my eyes and think of a book I want to finish today but open it quickly when I hear footsteps enter the room. I sigh at Calum walking toward me and grab the nearest book next to me and start reading where I left off.

A pressure is felt on the couch right next to where I am sitting and an arm is placed around me. I slowly put the book down to my lap and turn my attention to the Prince sitting on the couch with me. "What do you want?"

"I want you to marry me." He says quickly.

"Not gonna happen. What else?" I respond with my patience running thin. He sighs and looks at my book.

"Read to me." He tells me. I shake my head and he takes the book away from me. "Fine then you will have to try to get your book back."

I am not in the mood for his games. I get up from the seat and move over to another one and pick up a random book on the way over and open it. It isn't the most interesting book but at least he won't take this one. He frowns at my move but doesn't chase after me. He starts to read on his own and stays quiet for the full time I stay in there. I glance over to him every now and then to make sure he is not doing anything and is staying still.

This is so weird. I feel so conflicted and confused with my feelings for him. Of course I still love him but... I just can't marry him so soon after this. I need some time to think but he won't give me any space. It's like he thinks if I get some time to myself I will forget about him. His short silver hair shines in the sunlight and casts a beautiful natural contour on the bones of his face. His blue eyes shine against his skin and I watch as it slightly moves side to side as he reads. He doesn't notice me staring and I thank God because I'd never live through it.

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now