19 Fall off a Cliff

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My mind starts to function and I gain sensation back in my nerves. I feel fully rested and rejuvenated for some reason. I must have slept extremely well. Warm sheets surround my body and I feel something warm under me. It's not soft like a mattress but it is comfortable. I let my eyes open and travel to the body I was sleeping on. Memories from last night travel back to my mind as I let my head continue to rest on Calum's chest.

We had consummated our marriage last night and he was very gentle with me. He had asked me if I was okay when we first started and made sure I was comfortable until the very end. I had saw a vulnerable side to him last night. He fell asleep before I did while playing with my hair. I fell asleep shortly after he did to his rhythmic breathing and warm skin against mine.

I feel Calum's chest heave up higher than normal and note that he is waking up. His hands on my back and start rubbing my skin to wake me up. I raise my head to show him I am awake and he gives me a lazy smile. I separate myself from him and head into the bathroom to get ready.

Once I get out I see Calum fully dressed and brushing his hair by a mirror. I walk to him and grab my brush and do the same to my hair. The ends of my hair is damaged and needs a cut desperately. He see's my frayed ends and touches my hair when I am done brushing. "Can I braid it?" He asks.

"Do you know how?" I ask him. He had long hair before so he may have braided his hair before. He shakes his head no to my question, "How hard can it be?"

I let him try and stand still. He grabs a couple handfuls of hair and crosses them over to create a braid but utterly fails when he shows me the final product. I make him redo it and tell him exactly how to do it. With step by step instructions he listens to me and furrows his brows while learning. He loses track of which pieces he overlapped and mixes strands together. I keep encouraging him to keep trying until he finishes my long hair. When he gets it to look halfway decent I let him tie it off at the end. The plastic tie snaps when he tried to tie it a third time around my hair and I hand him another one. He finally finishes and gives me a small mirror to see the final product. Using the small mirror to look at the larger mirror behind me, I see that the braid is crooked but not half bad. It is at least presentable to breakfast with the others.

He crosses his arms and stares at my hair as I bend down to pick up the broken hair tie. Walking over to the trashcan, I notice something oddly familiar in the bin and look in it. The playing card Calum had get during the game we played on the first ride to Karow was ripped in half on top of other trash. I reach down to pick up the two pieces and put them together to read it. 'Dare: Polish the jewel.'

I thought we were supposed to keep the cards until we did the dares? I did mine the night I got it by cutting his hair but what did he do to discard this card? Calum walks up behind me and takes the pieces out of my hands and drops them back into the bin. "That's trash, Y/N." He says with a disgusted face.

"Why did you throw it away?" I ask him.

"I did the dare. There is no need to keep it anymore." He says while walking back to the bed to sit down and get his shoes on. I walk next to him and ask what the dare was. "The dare said to polish the jewel and I did just that last night." He gets his last shoe on and stands up to surpass my height and leans in. His face is inches from mine as he says, "You're my jewel."

He lingers over me for a moment and then heads to the door, leaving me standing by the bed surprised. So the card wanted him to 'that' to me last night? How much of this game we played actually tie into real life? He breaks me out of my thinking and tells me to follow him. I quicken my steps to catch up with him in the hallway.

We reach the dining room and everyone but Taunii is sitting down. I take my usual seat by Rezin and Calum and we wait for Taunii. I look over to Yumi next to my Mother and see that she doesn't look tired at all. Doesn't she need the music box to sleep is it has magical properties to make her rely on it?

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