6 Captured

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Yumi is standing over me with two pots today and is wearing a bored face. This is the second time she had to wake me up like this. "Princess, you should probably see a doctor if you keep having trouble waking up like this." She suggests. I shake my head, not wanting to call someone to find out what's wrong with me. Only one thing is on my mind right now: Calum.

"Yumi, where is the prince?" I ask her. She squints her eyes, "I haven't seen him all morning. Maybe he will be in the dining room for breakfast?"

I thank her and start getting ready for the day. When I head down for breakfast, only my mother is seated at the table. She doesn't know where he is either. We end up eating without him and I search for him though the many hallways in the castle. I go to the rooms I showed him yesterday, including the library, and end up in the wing of the castle that I have only been in once. His room is down these halls. I carefully take steps to his room from memory. If I get lost I could always call on a maid to find me but I don't want to be a burden on them. Most of them are getting things ready for the upcoming engagement ball being held for us. I turn down a few halls and go through a couple doors before standing in front of what I think his room is. I knock on the door and wait for a response.

"Yes?" A familiar masculine voice is heard from the other side. My heart jumps in my chest from hearing him and I try to calm myself down. What is this feeling?

"May I come in?" I ask.

"Hmm." He drags out a long hum. It gets louder as he nears closer to the door and opens it for me. "This is your castle right?" He says with a small smirk and twinkling eyes. I get a flashback from a couple days ago when we were bickering with each other. He stands aside for me to walk in and I admire the room. It is beautifully decorated unlike the other empty rooms in the castle. The maids must have prepared it before he came. It is a big open room with a king sized bed on the right next to a big window. Next to the window is a glass door leading to a balcony. A small desk sits by the doors of his walk in closet. The door to the bathroom is on the other side of the room, it is open right now with lights shining out of it.

"I'm very sorry I couldn't be present for breakfast. I am very busy right now trying to communicate with my father. He wants to meet you in my kingdom. I also have to make a proposal to both of our councils about how we can bring an end to the war and bring peace to everyone." He explains to me from behind. I am surprised that he is already doing the duties of a king while he is not married to me yet. He must be serious about us working out if he is doing all this.

I turn around to face him to see his attention already on me. "I'm sorry for interrupting then. Will I see you for lunch?"

He shakes his head, "Sorry, Princess. I wish I could, but I'd rather take my time with this proposal so it is spotless. I am going to turn it in to them in a couple days."

I tell him I understand and go to leave the room before he stops me. "Is there something you wanted from me?" I shake my head no and tell him that I was just curious what he was doing. He smirks at me again and lets me leave the room. I end up spending the morning getting fitted for my engagement ball dress and my wedding dress. Lunch comes by and I spend it with my mother once again like any ordinary day and I head to the library. Getting bored very quickly, I decide to pay Calum another visit to see if he had eaten yet or wanted a snack. Finding the door much easier this time, I knock on it.

"Yes?" He asks again.

I freeze up, not knowing what to ask. Before I could come up with something, he opens the door and smiles. "Again?" He asks me. I intertwine my fingers together and speak, "Have you eaten yet?"

Silver Snake (Yandere Prince x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now