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i walked into my former house, looking at the calendar. wednesday tomorrow. i guess i'm out.

i started to pack a few things into a suitcase, folding them neatly. i'll leave most of my stuff here.

i heard a sniffle come from my doorway, causing my head to turn around to my mother. she stood there, leaning on the door. her eyes were watery.

"you're actually leaving?" she croaked.

"i thought you wanted me to?" i zipped my suitcase closed and rose to my feet.

"i didn't expect you to be out so soon; i thought it'd take a few months, y'know, so-"

"you told me to leave, so i'm going. do you want me to fight to stay?" i spat coldly, raising the handle on my two suitcases.

"i didn't think you'd be so open to moving out so quickly, hon. i figured you'd at least show a little emotion..." i saw a tear fall down her cheek. it broke me. like stomping on a broken vase.

i let go of my suitcases and ran over to her, wrapping her up in my arms. i wasn't crying- god no. never. but, i was close.

"do you want to move out?" she asked meekly. i nodded. but i don't my mind was screaming no, but i didn't say a god damn thing.

"well... i don't want to hold you back. you're an adult." she let go of me, and smiled. smiled. she was supporting me.

i walked out of the front door, her looking out after me. i knew i'd be home for christmas and stuff, just not in my room.

i put my two suitcases in the trunk of my car, then closed it. i opened my car door and looked back at my mom, pausing.

tell me to come back. don't let me leave. please, don't let me go. i can't do it.

i climbed into my car and slowly turned my keys in the ignition; then i rolled out of the driveway. mindlessly, i was out on the roads.

i'm alone.


i put my key card up to the door and walked into my hotel room. it wasn't the best place on earth, but it was cheap.

i can't live like this. in a shitty hotel. this can't be my life.

i went on my phone, then to safari. i typed in craigslist and searched roommate in the search bar. someone had to be looking for a roommate, right? i scrolled and scrolled, seeing a lot of people looking for "young blonde girls." no thank you.

then, i came upon this one ad. it said they had bought an apartment in los angeles, and they needed a roommate to help pay. it stated that they were in colombus at the moment, but planned to go out to los angeles later that month. i have always wanted to go to california.

i clicked the ad, and a phone number popped up with a small message.

if interested, text me about it, and we can meet up somewhere for an interview sorta thing :)

i smiled a little at the message. they sound friendly.

i typed the number into my phone and hit imessage.

hey, i saw your ad on craigslist looking for a roommate, and i was wondering if i could apply? i don't know if apply is the right word, but you get it.

i got a reply almost instantly, and their reply was just as sweet.

oh, cool! do you want to meet at starbucks or something?

yeah, that'd be great. which one?

third street in columbus. i'm not doing anything today if you're free.

sure, i'm free.

alright. hows 4:00 for you?

see you at 4:00 :)

i shut off my phone and collapsed on the most likely semen covered bedsheets and stared up at the water-stained ceiling. gross.

my eyelids slowly drooped down, getting heavier and heavier as time went by. i slowly drifted off, trying to ignore the rank stench around me.


i woke up to my phone ringing, but before i could answer it went to voicemail. i groaned and sat up, seeing that i had gotten a call from hailey. my girlfriend.

"lynn... i can't do it... i can't stay here. i have to go. i-i'm sorry, but i can't stay with you. it's not you; you're amazing i-it's just i feel so trapped like i can't escape- i'm dropping out. i'm leaving. please don't try to contact me, i'm not gonna have this number anymore. the me you knew is gone. i'm sorry."

the message ended, and i was in shock. she's gone? just like that?

look's like i'm really alone now.

well, off to drumming lessons.


a/n: i have so many plans you don't even know.

do you want this story to be fast moving or slow moving? i can do both :) just not medium. i don't even know what that is.

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