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josh couldn't help but think about the girl from the alley the rest of the night as he mindlessly danced on the dance floor. he thought back on the events and remembered she was wearing the same dress all the bridesmaids were.

josh quickly tore whoever he was dancing with off of him to go find jenna, who was just drinking wine alone, which was kind of sad. she had probably only been left alone that one minute of the night.

"did you see a bridesmaid around here who has like.." he thought back to the girl he literally was face to face with, and he couldn't pin her as anything except beautiful. "really pretty, brown- actually maybe red hair-"

"oh! did you find a bridesmaid you're interested in? i could easily hook you up-"

"no, jenna- whatever, nevermind. i just thought i recognized her." josh quickly turned around and walked away, leaving jenna to her beloved wine and alone time. he decided he'd just dance his thoughts away again, passing from dance partner to dance partner during a sort of line dance song. he had the same polite expression with each girl before he was passed one girl.

it was the same girl from before.

the girl put a finger to her lips in a keep quiet kind of way, then she was gone in the blink of an eye before he could say a word.

josh kept his eyes glued on the girl, watching as she danced from person to person. she broke from the crowd, rushing towards the exit like a bullet. josh broke from his dance partner again, rushing after the girl like she'd disappear. again.

right as he got outside, he caught her about to turn a corner and leave. he rushed after her and grabbed her shoulder, whipping her around to meet his stare. he just stared into her eyes, his words seemingly vanishing from his mind as she just stared back, not a word leaving his mouth.

"who are you?" he whispered down to her, his hand still firmed and her shoulder. the girl only but a finger to her lips, and in the blink of an eye, she was out of josh's grip and down the street.

josh was left alone, every thought possible running through his head. but above all;

who the fuck is that girl?


for the next month, the girl floated in josh's mind. no matter how many times he'd tell himself she was no one, she just stayed there. which was understandable, as he had witnessed her almost get shot, then return to the wedding party like nothing had happened.

it didn't matter, he'd tell himself as he skates through the city he and tyler were performing him. they had gotten pretty big, bigger than they had ever thought. ashlynn would be proud.

ashlynn. his... girlfriend? he didn't know. could he call her that? could he call her anything but dead?

josh found himself crying as he walked inside the venue, his free arm hiding his face so he didn't raise suspicion to their fans. though he seemed blind to it, josh knew their capabilities when it came to drama. he even knew about all the conor drama. it kind of made him sad that such people were fans, but he couldn't hate the boy. he was a fan after all.

for the first time in years, ashlynn was in his mind. the love of his life, if he even could call her that, and he never got to tell her. he loved her.

then it got to josh. loved. he loved her. he doesn't love her. he's moved on. the thought was sad, how he just now got over the girl who had consumed his life in all the time she knew him. but it didn't matter anymore. they couldn't even find her body when it came to her funeral. there wasn't a doubt in his mind that was a certain rat's doing.

josh tried clearing his mind as he heard a knock at the bathroom door. he composed himself and answered, pretending he was just putting on his eye makeup. even thought he had a whole dressing room to do that...

"you okay?" tyler raised his eyebrows, holding josh's mask in his hand.

"yeah." josh nodded, a small smile coming onto his face. "i'm okay."

josh wasn't lying.


a/n: i'm getting motivation for this story again? maybe. i have ideas i just dont know how to introduce them i guess. i don't even have a name yet tbh.

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