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my hood was up and so was his as we entered the fairly busy and well-known cafe, sitting at a small table near the window. i looked to the side and watched as two raindrops raced down the window. sadly, the one on the right won. but it cheated. somehow...

"ash?" josh chuckled at me, noticing my sudden fascination with inanimate raindrops. well, i'd like to think they're animate.

"hm?" i muttered as i kept my gaze on the raindrops.

"what are you doing?" he tried to look at what i was, but he couldn't see it as i did.

"raindrop races." i answered quietly, as i as in focus on seeing if my raindrop would win.

"wanna race against each other?" josh asked, his voice perking up. i glanced over to him and smiled.

"you're going down." i threatened playfully. "the next to that fall right there are our two. left or right?" i asked excitedly. everyone i've ever talked to thought my obsession with the rain was silly, but it just has so much underlying meaning to me.

"right, duh." josh answered.

"ew! lefty forever!" i enthused.

"oh! those two!" josh pointed to two raindrops at an equal level.

we both cheered on our raindrops, saying to go faster, more to the left, more to the right, coaching them to filth. in the end, josh's raindrop fell short and slowed down immensely, while mind hit the bottom of the large window.

"no fair! my raindrop was suffering from fatigue and should get medical attention, not be put in races." josh folded his arms over his chest childishly and stuck out his bottom lip.

i laughed and poked his bottom lip. "well my raindrop has a family to feed, and this is just the business, bud." josh's laugh was like heaven, and i caused it.

"remember when you randomly showed up at my graduation and made that day the best day of my life?" i brought up after a few seconds of silence.

"it was the best day of your life?" the sides of his mouth curved up a bit.

"yup." i chuckled and took a sip of my water. there was another comfortable silence; then i spoke. "why'd you do it?"


"why'd you go through the trouble to get my dad there, and my family, and the flowers- why did you do that all just for me?" i rested my chin on my folded hands as i waited for his response.

"i care about you, and i wanted to make your day special.graduation should be great, in my opinion." it made me smile when he said "care." he didn't say "i cared," he said "i care," which means he still does. //he cares.//

i smiled sheepishly and looked down at my hands, chuckling a little as a light blush colored my face.

"can i admit something?" josh spoke up, his smile seemingly perfectly permanent. his dentist is so lucky, getting to stare at his smile for thirty plus minutes and they get paid for it.

"and what's that?" i responded after i took a sip of my water.

"youweren'tsupposedtocometomefordrumminglessons." he let out a huge breath after he said it, like a ton of weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "that felt so good to say," he chuckled.

"was that even english?" i chuckle with him.

"you were supposed to go to the music store a few blocks over for your lessons..." he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. i laughed out loud, covering my mouth with my hand. i was always conscious about my smile, mostly my teeth, so i always covered my mouth when i laughed.

"why didn't you just tell me?" i asked. well, i guess that lie was the best thing that ever happened to me.

"well- y'know- if a cute girl comes up to your door and asks for lessons in something you happen to love you don't really turn that down." he chuckled nervously. after he called me cute, my face immediately burnt up.

"well... i was pretty happy my teacher wasn't an eye sore... so thanks for lying." i smiled semi-confidently through my blush. i got to see his smile and blush grow, just boosting my own confidence.

"Want to go for a walk?" i asked and glanced at the no longer rainy roads, small puddles occupying them.

"of course." we both got up, and i immediately took his hand without thinking, walking out of the cafe.

|-/ josh |-/

we walked down the streets hand in hand, and for me to say i was proud to be walking down the street holding a supermodel's hand would be an understatement.

"oh!" ash yelped happily. "puddle hops!" she shouted and let go of my hand to long jump over a huge puddle, landing on the other side. her childish behavior made me laugh. she always made me laugh.

"or..." my voice trailed off as i walked around the puddle and met her on the other side.

"you could do that." i took her hand back in mine, and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"you're no fun." she pouted. she's adorable.

"so... not to make things awkward, but there's a guy with a camera right over there. what do we do?" the guy was obviously paparazzi, and he had his camera pointed right at us. i didn't look directly at him, though. that'd be too obvious.

then, she stopped walking and faced me. before i could react, her lips were on my cheek in a much less than a chaste kiss. she smiled up at me and gave a small wink. "act natural." she whispered and kept walking.

damn, confidence is attractive.

|-/ |-/

a/n: i was bored again and couldn't sleep, so 5 updates in 24 hours what's good. just a little joshlynn chapter for y'all, just because.

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