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cassandra felt the world opening around her as she stepped towards joshua, ready to defeat her biggest problem yet.

on the other hand, josh's world was closing. he neared the edge of the immensely tall building, bound to his death bed.

"ashlynn is mine, you hear me? what made you think you could take her from me? huh!?" she barked, their faces inches apart.

"i- i- i-" just as josh was about to stutter out a response, the door opened to the rooftop.

"sorry i got here late, i couldn't seem to find my phone-" ashynn looked up from looking for something in her purse to see the scene unfolding in front of her.

"cassandra?" ashlynn blocked her eyes from the sun with her hand.

"oh, hey lynn!" cassandra stepped back from josh, letting his anxiety have somewhat of a break. cassandra wrapped ashlynn in a hug, and over cassandra's shoulder, she could see josh frantically trying to explain what happened with various movements and flailing of his arms.

"what brings you here?" cassandra asked excitedly and pulled away from ashlynn. josh abruptly stopped his motions and stood as still as a statue.

"i was here because josh and i had a date up here... for valentines day. why are you here?" she asked back.

"lynn, why so hostile? you're never this mean." cassandra put on a fake pout.

"do i even fucking know you?" ashlynn spat in cassandra's face. "who the fuck are you, huh? a phycopath? a stalker? a murderer? or is it all of the above, hm?" ashlynn's voice was getting louder and louder as she spoke, and she was getting closer and closer to cassandra. cassadnra was silent.

"speak you fucking bitch!" ashlynn gave cassandra a hard slap across the face. cassandra looked mortified, her hand going up to her now red cheek.

"so. you found out." she chuckled bitterly. "dear, i'm sorry. i just had to get rid of some of our problems, okay? we can finally be together now-"

"together? what the fuck are you talking about?!" ashlynn fired once again.

"we love each other. we can be happy now without-"

"love? cassandra, we're friends! fucking friends!" one could see the steam from ashlynn's ears a mile away.

"lynn, don't do this. i'm gonna get rid of this problem, and we're going to be happy. i'm going to be happy for once, lynn. you can't fucking stop me, you hear me?!" for the first time, cassandra felt something other than rage.

"i've never had anyone who loved me like you do, ashlynn. not even kathryn! you are my life. everything. i revolve around you, ashlynn connors. i don't give a shit if you hate my guts, i'm going to make you mine!!" cassandra suddenly turned on her heel and ran for josh, giving him a quick and hard shove hard enough to push him off the building. josh closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable, but, his body hit something.

josh opened his eyes, and he was still on the rooftop.

upon looking around the rooftop more, ashlynn was nowhere to be seen.

cassandra and josh both looked at each other in fear, and josh slowly rose to his feet.

"lynn?" cassandra called timidly through the rooftop.

no response.

they heard a loud thud. then, an ear shattering scream.

the two walked slowly over the railing of the rooftop, and there, on the pavement below, was their beloved ashlynn.

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a/n: i'M SORRY

so, opinions on ashlynn in her final moments? still love her? hate her? love cassandra? hate cassandra? maybe both? tell me! 

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