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the day of the wedding approached fast, too fast for comfort actually. josh had settled with not having a date and went alone, having a hell of a good time. that is until he walked outside for some fresh air and saw 2 people fighting in an alley.

the fight didn't seem too harmful, they both had equal strengths it seemed. he watched on with his cup in hand, keeping to himself. on the off chance something catastrophic happened, he'd probably step in. probably.

a street light flashed above the two, and he noticed that one of them had very long hair for a dude. Then the light flickered again, and the dude also had bumps on his chest... then he noticed that he was a girl.

he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to double check and see if a girl was actually fighting a guy, and when it was confirmed he started walking towards the scene. no guy should hit a girl, no matter the situation. the guy looked jacked, the girl looked petite, but the fight seemed equal in power.

that is until a bullet was fired.

"shit!" josh shouted, covering his head. he looked back at the scene and saw that the guy had shot at the sky, the girl now up against the wall. she was bloody basically everywhere, and it led josh to wonder how long they had been fighting for.

right as he was about to approach, the girl grabbed the gun by the barrel and held it right up against her head, the man's finger still on the trigger. josh almost gasped, the scene like a movie. she didn't say a word, she just stared at him. the guy looked afraid like he didn't actually want to hurt her. she mouthed one thing,

do it.

josh's jaw was on the floor, and he decided he shouldn't just stand around and let her die. so, he leaped into action and shoved the guy, which caused him to fire his gun at by accident.

"fuck!" josh shouted, his hands covering his ears again. luckily, the bullet hit the wall right next to the girl.

the guy got up and ran, taking the gun with him. josh was out of breath as he looked back at the girl, and she seemed unphased.

"what the fuck was that?!" josh almost shouted at the girl, who was just examining her arm calmly. the casing had gotten her right in the bicep.

"well?" the girl looked at josh finally, directly in the eyes. his look of anger distinguished into confusion. There was something in those eyes...

with that, she turned and walked away.

"wait! where are you going? who are you?!" before josh could follow, she turned a corner and she was gone.

then josh wondered how the fuck no one in the wedding heard the gunshot. no, make that gunshots. was the music really that loud?

bass drops aren't the same as gun shots, people.


a/n: it's been awhile oops

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