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"you know, valentine's day is in only 2 days." tyler spoke suddenly, turning off his phone and sliding it into his pocket.

"are you finally asking me out tyler robert joseph?" josh put on a girly voice and also put away his phone, looking towards tyler with a goofy smile. they, of course, knew about the joshler ship and were definitely good enough friends to be comfortable with it and joke around about it.

"phew! i thought i'd have to spell it out!" tyler joked in return. "but seriously, are you gonna get ash anything?" tyler questioned, his eyebrows raised in expectation.

"am i supposed to?" at this, tyler rolled his eyes and gave out a loud groan.

"oh, my gosh, dude. of course you do!" tyler exclaimed like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"well what do i get her?" josh started to panic a little bit. he hadn't gotten any of his past girlfriend's valentine's day gifts. but ashlynn was more special than them, as rude as it sounds. ashlynn was everything to josh. what if she left him if he didn't get her a gift.

"just ask her. but don't be too direct." tyler explained directly. josh nodded confidently.

"i'll call her right now." josh said confidently.

"atta boy!" tyler patted his shoulder as josh took out his phone and tapped ashlynn's contact.

"hello?" ashlynn answered on the other end.

"hey babe, what's up?" josh asked, as he usually did.

"nothing much, what's up with you?" ashlynn asked. she always seemed interested in his day, so he always told her.

"oh, well, i've just been hanging out with ty all day. oh! we went to taco bell, and i got a nacho bell grande. i know i never get it, but it was actually really good-"

"josh!" tyler whispered, interrupting his story. josh glared at him for interrupting him, then remembered his task.

"oh! what do you want for valentines day?" josh questioned. tyler shook his head rapidly.

"i- i mean what would you want if you could have anything?" josh looked at tyler for any kind of approval, but tyler was already facepalming.

"what?" ashlynn sounded severely confused on the other side of the line, and josh was already panicking.

"uh, i gotta go water my cat bye!" josh quickly took the phone away from his ear and pressed the end call button.

"water your cat? really josh?" tyler sighed. "you don't even have a cat!"

"i couldn't think of anything else!" josh exclaimed, his head in his hands.

"whatever, she said what she wanted at least." tyler reasoned. josh picked up his head in realization, his eyes wide. "right?" tyler clarified. josh looked down at his lap and shook his head.

"josh! you had one job!" tyler sighed. "whatever we'll wing it." tyler composed himself, sitting back up. "any ideas?"

the room was silent for a few minutes before josh shot up straight. "what if i do one of those picnics on a rooftop? it's cheesy, but it's like, a good kind of cheesy, right?"

"if you like the idea, go with it. it's your girlfriend." just hearing someone else call ashlynn his girlfriend made josh giddy.

"cool." josh whispered, a smile imprinted on his face.

|-/ |-/ |-/ |-/ |-/ |-/ |-/ |-/ |-/

josh was laying on his bed, scrolling through twitter, and his scrolling was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. the contact read ashlynn, the little heart emoji next to it.

"hey babe." josh answered happily. it was a rare occasion that ashlynn called him; it was usually the other way around.

"j-josh, could you come o-over?" she seemed like she had been crying, making josh sit up immediately.

"yeah, of course, i'm on my way now, is everything alright?" josh rushed his words as he pulled on his shoes and was out the door.

"i- i don't- i don't know just-"

"it's okay, it's okay i'm on my way now." josh knew nothing more than that something was going on, and that was enough for him.

though he knew deep down everything was probably okay, he still was jumping to conclusions.

he pulled into her driveway and practically tripped trying to get out the spare key to her apartment. he managed to unlock the door and get into the house, his head spinning. his own anxiety definitely didn't help in this situation.

josh found her on her bed, against the back of the bed, huddled in a ball. she wasn't shaking or anything, though, she was just.. there. but she wasn't there at the same time.

josh sat on the bed next to her carefully, but she didn't move a muscle. josh carefully put his arm around her, expecting her to flinch, but nothing.

"babe?" he asked softly, concern laced in his voice. she lifted her head slowly, and he could see the tear tracks on her cheeks. but, her face showed no emotion other than emptiness.

"do you ever feel like..." she took in a deep, shaky breath. "like life... isn't worth it?" she stared straight ahead, barely anything in her eyes, expression or voice.

"ash... no... please don't tell me-"

"i'm not going to kill myself, josh." she interrupted him coldly. "that'd make me a pussy. i just don't think it's worth it is all." she assured, but it was doing quite the opposite for josh. he'd never seen her like this, other than when she was kicking him out.

"ash.... you're making me worried." josh pulled her closer to him, using his thumb to wipe the tear tracks from her cheeks gently.

"josh... why are you still here?"

"what do you mean-"

"oh you know what i'm saying." she interrupted, yet again. "i'm a bitch, josh." she sighed. "you deserve better than me."

"ashlynn rose connors." josh spoke sternly, earning the attention of ashlynn. "don't you dare, not even for a fucking second, think you don't deserve me. you are the best god damn thing that has ever happened to me, and i wouldn't trade you for anything on the entire planet. i love you, ashlynn rose connors." his hands were on her shoulders, making her look him in the eyes. instead of saying anything more, she just pressed her lips to his.

"you don't know how long i've been waiting to hear those fucking words," she whispered between kisses, her hands wrapping around his neck. And in the short breaks they took for breath, she managed to whisper out;

"I love you, too"

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a/n: okay i ended this chapter like that because i need input.

do you guys want smut?

and don;t even think about my comfortableness, i'm fine writing it. it's all what you all want. so comment what you want, yes or no, and i'll go with the majority :)

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