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"well well! would you look at that, he remembers me!" cassandra sighed happily, finally backing away from josh.

"fuck you, cassandra." josh spat through his teeth, thrashing in his restraints even more. josh was never one to hold grudges, but with cassandra, it was a whole diferent story.

"now, now joshua. don't be like that." cassandra laughed and took another deep inhale, blowing the smoke right at josh's face. josh coughed violently, the awful smell unrightfully infultrating his senses.

"what do you want from me?" josh asked again, thrashing yet again.

"restrain him." cassandra ordered as she filed through a filing cabinet. josh felt cold hands lightly on his shoulders, barely restrainging him.

cassandra glanced up at josh, her expression annoyed. "it's like you can't do anything." the blonde rolled her eyes and walked over, her heels clicking awfully on the tile floor.

"go look through the needles, find the one for our guest." cassandra came behind josh and he felt the cold hands ripped form his shoulders, then something falling to the floor. it sounded like a body.

"i don't care if you get pricked, i gave you an order." cassandra spat at her assistant. it was silent for a few moments, then someone walked over to the desk. josh didn't recognize them at first. he felt the cold hands replaced with awfully hot ones, cassandra's.

"you can't follow simple orders, you can't talk, you don't do anything for this company, i don't know why the hell we keep you around rosemary. you're useless." cassandra's words slipped out casually like her words weren't laced with vemom. the girl wasn't phased.

then, it hit him like a bullet.


josh's expression went blank. the girl he was so hung up over was working for his worst enemy and his greatest fear.

"what are you gonna do to me?" josh asked, his tone scared. he was confident before, but at the mention of needles, all confidence was gone.

"kill you. what else?" cassandra squeezed his shoulders, and he could just picture the qicked smile on her face. josh tensed, blood rushing from his face. he was going to die at the will of his worst enemy.

before josh could say anything, he saw rosemary come back with a needle in her hand labeled 'joshua william dun.'

-1st person-

"perfect! joshua, this will hurt you much more than it will hurt me. you will be in immense pain for about 4 hours, and then you will be dead. and i will finally get to live happily knowing the love of my life has been avenged." cassandra held the syringe in her hands after rosemary had given it to her. out of the corner of my eye, i saw rosemary looking away.

"rosemary? wouldn't you like to watch this?" cassandra stopped and raised the needle, bringing it away from my neck. a sheet of sweat was on my skin, impending my doom.

cassandra pointed at a spot on the floor, making rosemary stand across from me and look me in the eye as i died.

i stared into her empty eyes, and i swore i saw something flash in them. but i was hallucinating. i knew i was.

"fabulous. now, deep breaths joshua. pump your blood through your body, it spreads the drugs faster." cassandra cackled like a witch, which she was.

i shut my eyes and got myself ready, knowing these were my final moments. all i wished i could do, all i could say, all of it was gone in that moment. i could practically feel the needle on the skin of my neck.

then, rosemary dived from her spot. right at cassandra.

the needle flew from her hands and across the room, making a clashing noise as it hit the ground. i let out a huge breath and looked to the side rapidly, thrashing more than ever. i couldn't see anything happening behind me, everything was blurry through my eyes.

i saw two figures fighting between the blur, both reaching for something on the floor. that is until one of them kicked the other right in the stomach. they were unconscious.

all at once, i felt the pressure on my limbs lifted. i could move everything freely. i looked up and met eyes with my hero.


she took my face in her hands, and oh how i wish i could see her eyes. she took my arms and pulled me to my feet, wrapping my arm around her shoulders to support me. she guided me to a flight of stairs, leading to moonlight. something i thought i'd never see again.

my vision gradually came back as she lugged me up the flight, trying to run whilst practically dragging me along. we got outside, and we were in a house. i finally regained my senses and took my arms from around her shoulders, beginning to run towards any exit. rosemary grabbed my arm, and then i realized she couldn't run as fast as me. also, she knew the exit. so, i did the only thing i could think of.

i sweep my arm at her knees and carried her, running with her in my arms as she pointed in the direction to the exit. we finally made it out into the night, and we were scott free. so all of that happened in a basement?

rosemary jumped from my arms, fishing something out of her jacket pocket. she started a car in the driveway, a pretty nice one actually. rosemary unlcoked it and got in, leaving me there like an idiot.

"where are you going?" i asked, hoping to god she wasn't going to leave me stranded. she just stared at me. she looked at the car, then she looked back at me. she then lowered herself into the driver's seat, the car still unlocked.

i quickly ran to the passenger seat and got in, not even earning a glance from rosemary as she backed out of the driverway and sped down the barren road.


a/n: ayeeee! sorry for the late update, i had to redo this one like 5 times because i never liked how it turned out. 

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