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josh tapped his fingers against the steering wheel softly to the beat of whatever song was quietly playing on the radio, admiring all that passed. if he was honest, he had no clue what state they were in. he had just searched 'hotels' and a few came up, and he picked the first one that was suggested. it was a bit pricey, but for one night it wasn't too bad.

they arrived at the hotel and parked the car as slowly as he could, trying not to stomp on the breaks to avoid waking her. he took the keys out of the ignition and looked into the backseat, seeing that rosemary was still sound asleep. he but his lip and reached back, tapping her shoulder lightly. she stirred and finally sat up, but she winced in pain right after she sat up, holding her head in one hand.

josh got out and opened the car door for her, now locking all the doors so he wouldn't forget. she got out, but stumbled over herself and definitely would've fallen if josh hadn't caught her.

"okay, alright, easy," josh kept his voice down, supporting her as she walked. he had already gotten their luggage out of the trunk, her backpack making it very easy for him to support her with his suitcase in his free hand. he opened the front door of the hotel for her, then instructing her to sit down in the lobby as he got them a room.

"hey, i know it's late, but do you have any rooms available?" josh asked the receptionist, glancing back at rosemary. he was suddenly very protective over her. he felt it was his responsibility to make sure she was okay.

"yes, but they only have one bed," the receptionist glanced back at rosemary with josh, an eyebrow raised. "is that okay, sir?" she had a look in her eye that was very suggestive, and not in a good way.

"oh uh, no, we're not gonna- she just is really drun- yeah, sure that's fine. one bed is fine." he stumbled over his words and blushed at what the receptionist was so obviously implying, quickly taking the key card to the room they had and turning away from the receptionist, having embarrassed himself enough.

he got to rosemary and made sure she could get up okay, but rosemary seemed alright. actually, a bit off, like something was on her mind.

"are you alright?" josh questioned as they approached the elevator, his eyebrows furrowed. he looked her up and down, and he knew that no matter what she'd say something was wrong. he just couldn't place what.

rosemary looked up at him, her eyes bloodshot, and nodded. josh knew that'd be the answer he got, but he didn't mind. she'd tell him if something was really up. well, not tell him, but she'd find a way. they made it to their hotel room number and got inside, and once inside, the place was quite nice. there was one bed as the receptionist said, but there were two rooms. there was a main room with a couch and kitchenette, even an oven, then a room that had a bed and dresser in it, and of course a bathroom off of the bedroom.

josh set his suitcase on the couch and held out rosemary's backpack to her, her then taking it and going off to the bathroom. josh never noticed how silent his life was nowadays until he spoke with the receptionist, he half expected her not to respond to him. it made him laugh a bit at himself.

he grabbed a shirt and shorts form his own suitcase and changed quickly where he stood, knowing rosemary wouldn't just walk in. even if she did, she was drunk and wouldn't remember it the next day. not to mention he was wearing underwear so she wouldn't see anything. hell, she'd see more if she watched the grammys in a few years time.

he was about to crash on the couch before he heard a loud crash coming from the bathroom. he got up and went to the bathroom door, lifting his fist to knock. "you okay in there?"

the door opened after a few seconds, and rosemary was on the ground next to a porcelain soap dish, and next to her was the bar of soap. the dish was shattered, and he had made the conclusion that she somehow dropped the soap and the dish, then dropped the dish when she slipped on the soap. it wasn't too outrageous to him, she was piss faced drunk.

"aw, okay, let's just get you to bed, yeah?" josh held out a hand which she took, her legs shaking as she rose to her feet. she was very dependent when she was drunk, which was a big change from her normal self. though, he would admit he didn't mind protecting her. it made him feel like he could make sure she was always okay and safe with him. he liked that. he helped to the bed and got her to get under the covers, letting out a sigh before turning to head out of the bedroom.

"wait," a hoarse voice spoke, causing josh to stop mid-step. his eyes widened and he turned around, seeing that rosemary was looking right at him. he was too shocked to say anything, he had no clue if his mind was playing tricks on him, or maybe he was hallucinating, or maybe he was just tired. her voice was quiet like it shouldn't be used. he knew she hadn't used it in awhile, years upon years of silence.

"sing to me?" her lips moved again, her voice a bit less scratchy. her voice was different than how he imagined it, it was a mix of high and low, yet it wasn't in the middle. it was like her vocal chords were made of dust and would break apart with the lightest blow.

"i'm not much of a singer." josh replied with a light chuckle, looking down at his feet. he was still in shock, but he finally found at least some words. she seemed so calm, like her speaking was just... normal.

"please?" her voice cracked, it sounded like she was about to cry. it looked like it too. josh didn't blame her, he had already seen what type of drunk she was, and with what he saw in her journal, he couldn't blame her for a second for crying. she had even said in one of the entries that she never let herself cry. he rushed to her side and nodded quickly, his heart melting at seeing her like this.

he sat on the edge of the bed and thought for a second, biting his lip as he thought. he sang whatever was in his head, and he didn't even try to make himself sound good. he knew he wasn't the singer of the band, he was just the drummer. sometimes he thought that wasn't enough. but somehow, a certain thing- person, rather, made him feel important. like he was wanted. and if he had to sing to that person every day for them to keep making him feel like that, he'd gladly do so.

she made him happy. that was a rare feat, and he wasn't about to let that go again.


a/n: wahey i've had this planned since rosemary was made lmao i have so many plans get ready for a pickup hardy har.

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