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josh continued with his life the best he could, continuing the tour and acting like everything was okay. he grew his beard out of stress, he gave up on trying to get out of the tour bus a lot, he gave up on trying to stay fit, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't convince himself that she was out of his mind.

tyler would try to get him out but it was all in vain. that is until tyler practically dragged Josh outside and locked him out of the tour bus. desperate times call for desperate measures

tired of trying to get tyler to unlock the door, josh walked away. his first impulse was to take out his phone and ask siri "gyms near me."

he squinted as he walked, trying to keep the sun from blocking his vision of the sidewalk ahead. he followed the guidance of his trusty siri, all the way to the fabled planet fitness.

josh wasn't exactly fat, but he wasn't in shape either. his old clothes didn't fit as well as they used to, and he was getting quite tired of it. he checked his keychain and saw that oh-so-familiar membership card, his confidence in working out coming back to him. maybe this was his key?

so, for months and months, josh went to the gym every other day. he felt like himself again. it was strange feeling like himself and getting rid of the beard, it's almost as if she was never there.

he slowly got to the realization that life is a series of events, just like a book. books have chapters, and then those chapters end and move on to something new. she was a small chunk of his book, and she would always have a place in him, but she wouldn't riddle his mind as she had for the year after her death.

josh found a girl with red hair, who he'd soon after start dating. he wouldn't admit it, but the red haired girl looks shockingly similar to past chapters...

he didn't quite know his feelings about the girl he called his girlfriend. he slapped the label of love on it, not exactly sure what the word meant anymore. he knew he loved chocolate but was that different than loving her? the word had truly lost meaning to him, therefore he just threw it around.

"josh!" tyler called to his friend from their shared dressing room.

"hold your tits, i'm coming!" he shouted back jokingly. when josh walked to where he and tyler impeded running out to their screaming fans, tyler had his hands placed on his chest.

"you're ridiculous." josh said over the crowd, chuckling and shaking his head.

"you told me to hold them! gotta give the girls some love." he joked, then turning away from josh to try and get back in character. it still dazzled him how tyler could look so insane onstage, as for how offstage he was a total goofball.

They finished their show with a bow like always, (and now the author is having post concert depression even though she didn't go to the concert) taking in all the cheers from the crowd.

josh was back, and happy to be.


a/n: whoops it's been awhile welp i'm back now. anyways im gonna casually plug my insta its waaheeyy so go follow me if ya feel ig

i also have this thing i wanna do but lil ol me did't think it'd be important to include how to do it in my notes ugh whyyyy

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