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i lost tyler a few blocks ago, and it didn't even occur to me that he'd tell josh. he obviously already did, josh had the right to know.

silently, there was a body sitting down next to me. i kept my stare straight ahead, staring at the cars passing by as i sat on the curb, waiting. waiting for the answer i wasn't going to get.

"you can't just try to stop and expect it to go away." the voice spoke. except, it didn't sound like anyone i knew. not tyler, not josh, not jenna, they looked younger.

"you don't think i know that?" i responded with spice.

"i know everything you know." i finally glanced to my side, and i was a little girl. but, it wasn't any little girl.

it was me.

"remember when we first saw those websites? how repulsive they were?" the girl - me - spoke. i nodded, and we both stared straight ahead. it may be the lack of food, but she seemed real, but spiritual at the same time.

"if you want to get over it, you gotta cry yourself a river, build yourself a bridge and..." her voice trailed off as she stared at me expectantly.

"get over it..." i whispered, staring at my lap. i used to say that very phrase over and over as a child. my siblings found it so irritating, but, i used to despite their distaste. "thank y-" i looked back to my right, and i was back alone on the street as before. how did words, three measly words, get me to change my mind so quickly?

"ashlynn!" i heard a familiar voice this time and saw tyler walking up to me. "i've been looking for you." tyler stood above me now, and i got up to meet his standing.

"same here." i muttered.

"what was that?" i swear, out of the corner of my eye i saw the same little girl who helped me. but, once i looked closer, it was just some little girl with her mother. my sanity must be out the window by now.

"nothing." i dismissed slowly. "so... i thought about it..."

"and?" tyler interrupted eagerly. man, i've surrounded myself with interrupters.

"i'm gonna get help." tyler clapped his hands together like a giddy kid at my conclusion, doing a little happy dance. "but-" tyler's dance stopped suddenly, and his expression dropped. "you cannot, under any circumstance, tell josh."

"ash, you know i can't-"

"please? you have to," i begged. he sighed and gave a small nod, which was enough for me.

tyler's eyes seemed to light up, and his jaw dropped. "shit, what time is it?" tyler only swore when he was panicked or mad.. what have i done?

"um... 4:30? why?" i checked my phone, which read 16:30, but i decided to get say it as people usually see it.

"we were supposed to be in the studio by now!" tyler shouted, his hands flying to his head. "also, do you have the 24-hour clock?" he detoured, looking over my shoulder at my phone.


"no time for talking!" tyler grabbed my hand and practically ran down the street. "no time to go back to your house, we just have to run and hope we make it." he started running, which was unfair, because his legs were way longer than mine, making him faster. damn basketball players.

"where are we going?!" i asked as i was dragged along.

"the grammys!" tyler shouted like it was evident.

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without even calling anyone, we ran into the apparent studio where we were supposed to be. people were rushing around us, all in a panic. tyler led us to a room, where jenna and josh were already getting ready. jenna looked gorg, as always.

"sorry... we're late... a thing... ran here..." tyler pants, his hands on his knees. i, on the other hand, know how to run without being too out of breath.

"so... nobody wanted to tell me i was going to the grammys today?" i chuckled and sat down on the couch, figuring i was just going to stay backstage. they all exchanged weird looks, then all looked back at me.

"uh. you're nominated for a grammy." jenna spoke, making me almost spit out the water i was drinking. i started to cough profusely, and josh was over in a second, patting my back. he, luckily, didn't have to do much to get ready. he was gorgeous as is.

"i what?!" i managed between coughs. "what grammy? i don't sing,"

"apparently, exclusive for this year, they have a modeling category. nobody really knows why they just do. it's kind of like the other category, but the only people in it are models. probably trying to get a new demographic." jenna explained, popping a grape into her mouth from the small boat on the table. (a/n: lmao just go with it)

"holy shit!" i shouted in victory, standing up from the couch.

"ashlynn connors! we need to get you ready." someone with a headset came into the room and called. "you're josh dun's date, right?" she looked up at the clipboard in her hands.

"i am?" i glanced to josh, and he just shrugged.

"fake dating, remember?" he said innocently, then sent me a wink. i rolled my eyes and followed the lady, where i was sent through halls of beautiful people, looking like a bum in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"sorry about my appearance, i totally forgot the grammys were tonight, and frankly i didn't know i was supposed to come." i chuckled, and so did she.

"that's a pretty hard thing to forget, i'd think." a woman and a man walked in after the lady with the clipboard left, and they looked caked with makeup. the man had hangers and hangers of dresses over his arm, and the girl started to unload a table of makeup.

"hi! this is nicholas and i'm tana, he's clothes, i'm makeup and hair." the woman explained briefly.

"do you know your dress yet?" the man asked. i shook my head.

"i wasn't even told i was supposed to come." i explained yet again.

"good thing we already have your measurements and your dress. it's kind of.. out there, but that's okay. we gotta make a statement tonight, you know?" he took out a particular dress from the many he had brought in, and when he took it out it didn't look like much. it was just a black dress that faded to black at the bottom, a fitted top and a blown out skirt. what's so special about that?

"you don't mind getting wet, do you?" the man looked back at me as he smoothed out the stunning dress.

"no..." my voice trailed, curious as to why he was asking.

"alright. the thing is with this dress is that when it gets wet, it turns into a royal blue dress. Also, if you take off this, it's suddenly a slim, royal blue, classy dress with a tiny bit of sequins at the bottom." he demonstrated. i was astonished. it was beautiful.

"whoa." i gasped.

"so, the plan is we're going to do this thing with your hair where when the water is poured on you, it will fall from an updo to these beautiful beachy waves, and all the makeup we have is 100% water proof. get ready to stun the world, ashlynn connors." i could see how much thought he put into this dress, and i appreciated it dearly. to think, i was going to walk down the red carpet at the grammys.

"alright, alright, makeup time!" the woman came over to me with loads of things, which i was used to.

time to stun the world.

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a/n: i felt the need to do a few grammy's chapters :) let's go boyyyys! also, the next chapter will be published after the grammys so i can know if they actually do win or not. (:

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