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my keurig made a loud rumble noise as it dispensed my coffee, which probably wasn't a good sign. i didn't care though, coffee is coffee. just as i was about to fall back asleep just standing and waiting for my coffee, my front door swung open and woke me right up.

"hey, buddy! rise and shine!" who other to break into my house than tyler joseph. becuase fuck privacy, right?

"hey ty." i greeted as i poured my fresh coffee into a mug, sipping it before wincing and realizing it was too hot. "any reason you decided to break into my home?"

"it's not breaking in if you have a key," tyler dangled his key right which indeed had the key to my apartment on it. there was even writing on the little round part that clearly read 'my best fren, jish.' "anyways, i came here because i'm making you leave your house." i almost choked on my coffee at this. tyler was never one to leave his house, nevermind make others leave theirs.

"jenna wanted me to invite you to this lunch banquet, and instead of inviting you i decided i'd forcefully suggest you come." tyler smiled sweetly and put two hands under his chin. i nodded and finished my coffee, placing the mug in the sink. i had plenty of time to drink it while tyler rambled.

"when is it?" i asked as i cleaned out the mug and placed it in the dishwasher.

"about..." tyler dramatically rolled up his sleeve and looked at his bare wrist, tapping it a few times. "one thirty." tyler answered finally, lowering his wrist.

"why would you have to check your watch if-"

"josh, josh, josh, shhhhhh. do not question the logic." tyler walked over and pressed his finger to my lips as he hushed me.

"alright bill nye." i chuckled as i slid past him, glancing at the time on the oven.

"tyler! it's one already!" i looked back at tyler who just shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face.

"well i'd hurry if i were you, don't wanna be late." tyler innocently rocked himself back and forth on his feet, his hands clasped behind his back.

"tyler robert joseph you will be the death of me." i muttered as i exited the kitchen, pushing some yellow out of my face.

"you know you love me!" tyer shouted after me as i climbed the stairs. i assumed he had already made himself comfortable.

"no homo though, right?" i called down in the most serious voice i could put on.

"yeah bro, of course. i like chicks, not dicks!" i couldn't help but burst out into laughter. i even wrote it down, i had to use that one.

it only took a few minutes to get ready and we were out the door, then at the banquet. of course, it wouldn't be a car ride with tyler if he didn't blast our own music he knows for a fact i don't know the words to. there's just too much! 4 albums? i couldn't. our fans are insane. i love them though.

at first glance, the banquet was just like any other. it was for maddy's new baby. funny enough, tyler decided that he'd just wear jenna's shirt inside out. this man has a grammy, and he can't run to walmart ot get a pink shirt.

this would be normal enough, that is if i didn't spot a certain someone.

the girl that had been driving me crazy all damn week. the same girl from the wedding was at that party. how the hell is she everywhere i go? i knew it wasn't on purpose because whenever she spotted me she seemed dead set on leaving. she hung out in the outskirts of one group, obviously pretending to be initiated in the conversation.

i immediatley snapped out of my daze and walked over to her, tapping her on the shoulder. she turned around to me, a bored look on her face. her expression didn't change, probably to keep suspicion down.

"can i talk to you?" i asked the girl, having to look down to meet her eyes. though i was staring right at her and she was staring back, it still felt like i was staring at a wall. her eyes looked empty almost. it was really intimidating.

she brushed past me and started to walk away, towards the door. i stood in awe, just watching her walk away without a hint of remorse. she was acting like that wasn't rude! yet, i couldn't deny that how she walked was very... elegant, in a way.

she stopped at the door and looked back, directly at me. her eyes stared striaght through me, and it made me uneasy. but somehow in the best way possible. like adrenaline, just from a simple look.

she nodded in the direction of outside before continueing out the door. i didn't even have to think before i practically sprinted to the door, pushing it open and looking around. she was standing up against a wall, a cigarette hanging from her mouth and she took long drags.

i was slightly out of breath from the running, since the dining hall was pretty big. but i, of course, tried not to show it. i obviously failed, however, because instead of heaving and trying to catch my breath, i looked like a maniac taking huge breaths in and out to trya nd look normal.

the girl looked at me before she took another long inhale, raising her eyebrows. it was like she was teasing me. i hated it.

"smoking kills, you know that?" i tried to lighten her up a bit, even get her to crack half a smile, but nothing. she was completely unimpressed. i cleared my throat awkwardly and shoved my hands in my pockets, looking down at the ground.

"i'm in a band." i blurted out, searching her face for any sort of reaction. "i'm the drummer. it's called twenty one pilots, and we're doing really good. i'm it it with my best friend tyler, and he plays the ukulele and sings and plays the piano. i just do trumpet, drums, and the backround vocals for one or two songs." i rammbled, using various hand motions to try and get my point across. yet again, nothing form her. she was, again, entirely unimpressed. it drew me to her, oddly. i don't know why i wanted to impress this girl so badly, she was just some random chick.

another dreaded awkward silence fell over us. well, it was awkward for me. she seemed just fine. i was about to say something again before i saw her burn out the cigarette on the building she was leaning against, then she tossed it into the nearest garbage can and started to head back inside, totally ignoring me as she passed.

"wait... wait- hold on," i turned around and grabbed her bicep before she opened to door, trying desperately to look in her eyes for anything, but again, there was nothing. "what's your name?"

she flashed a small side smile and tore her arm from my grasp, turning back inside with ease. i was so in shock, getting away from me was probably really easy for her. her smile was teasing, which seemed to be the only thing i could detect on her features. she was gone in a second, and once i was back inside she was nowhere to be seen.

who the fuck is this girl?


authors note // i get inspired when i read bad fanfics about josh because i start getting ideas about how i can do better. is that bad? whatever, i'm a bitch. send me bad stories so i can be inspired more. this is actually getting where it needs to be.

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