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brendon and i immediately parted, and i grabbed the nearest blanket covering myself. i glanced at Brendon, horrified.

"uh- sorry-" josh turned around and rushed away, probably red as a tomato.

we sat there awkwardly for a few seconds, both of us to shocked to say anything. at least it didn't get any further than our shirts being taken off...

"don't you have a girlfriend?" brendon piped up, breaking the silence.

"i used to." i muttered, snatching my shirt off the bed and slipping it over my head quickly.

"oh... sorry..." he looked down at his lap. he was hot, now that i got a good look at him.

"i just got dumped too." he added empathetically.

"oh?" i hummed as i pulled my cardigan back on.

"yeah. we were dating for like, a few months, and it's been on and off, y'know?" he started to pull on his shirt, sadly.

"i feel you." riley and i were exactly like that. she had said she wanted to find herself, went away for a bit, but she always came back. this time, she seemed sincere. i don't think i'm ever gonna see her again.

"but... i did meet this one girl about a month or so ago." it seemed that just in thinking about this girl he smiled. that is the definition of goals right there. why doesn't anyone do that when they think of me?

"tell me about her." i sat next to him on the bed, acting like nothing just happened between us and now we were just a few fully-clothed friends.

"she's the best. y'know when you meet someone, and you just like, know? i don't even know how to explain it; she's just so perfect. her name's Sarah. it's so beautiful; it just rolls off the tongue when you say it. oh! and, she has these eyes, oh my fucking god those eyes. and her hair looks like real silk. and she isn't just insanely hot, she is so loving and cares about you even if you just met, and she has an incredible sense of humor. like, my sense of humor!" his smile was now at it's fullest, which put his fondness for this girl on even more of a pedestal than it already is.

"you really like her, don't you?" i chuckled. he nodded sheepishly and looked down at his hand folded in his lap.

"he likes you, by the way." brendon said suddenly after a few seconds of comfortable silence.

my head snapped his way. "what?" i almost whispered. brendon turned to me like what he said was obvious.

"josh. he cares about you. i could see it when he caught us almost fucking." brendon pointed out.

"we're just good friends. he has so many girls lined up; i'm not even allowed near that line." i joked with a small - yet slightly bitter -chuckle.

"josh is one of my best friends, and trust me, he really cares about you." his words made me think. josh couldn't care about me, could he? we've only known each other for a few months. then again, so have sarah and brendon, and he seems head over heels for her.

"it doesn't matter. he's leaving to pursue his band this in a week, and i'm gonna do my dream of becoming a model - stupid i know - so it's not worth it." i brushed off his ideas sadly. why am i feeling this way? am i suddenly bisexual? i've never felt this way towards a guy. i only think guys are cute; because anyone can be cute. but i've never cared in any way that isn't friendly... my brain needs to make up its damn mind.

"fate will bring you together; i'll bet on it. i better be invited to the wedding," he teased and nudged me lightly.

"jerk." i replied playfully and elbowed him back, causing him to laugh and fall off the bed dramatically.

"oh no! i am in pain! oh help!" he cried. i got onto my feet and held out a hand to him, helping him back up to his feet.

"thanks for this. y'know, helping me partially realizing i shouldn't fuck every girl i see." brendon thanked my and pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"well then, glad to know i was just a side hoe." i joked and put a hand to my chest, acting offended.

"oh honey, you knew it from the start!" he said in a valley girl accent which made me laugh instantly, almost bringing me to tears.

"alright, well, i think you should go see if that sarah girl is here. and if she is, don't try and fuck her tonight. wait for a few dates." i teased and started to walk towards the door.

"and thank you. for making me realized that he really is something to me."


"s-she was just in there, w-with brendon, almost naked! i thought she had a girlfriend; i figured she was a lesbian!" josh ranted to his best friend, pacing around their soon-to-be shared living room.

"josh, she was probably drunk. calm down." tyler tried to reason with him, but it didn't work.

"calm down? calm down?! tyler, the girl i thought i had feelings for just ripped my heart out of my chest and shredded it to pieces! how do you expect me to stay calm!?" josh was yelling now. at that moment, he realized what he just said.

he cared about ashlynn.

he cared about her in more of a friend way; he had real, genuine feelings for her. in this realization, he just became even angrier. why couldn't she just read his mind and know how he felt?!

"josh!" tyler shouted to rid josh's thoughts, gripping him tightly by the shoulders.

"sometimes, you gotta bleed to know, that you're alive and have a soul." tyler said, staring josh straight in the eyes. josh's expression was cold, until his words sunk in. she hurt him, and that just made him realized he cares about her. she could've called him all the names in the world, and it would've made him realized he cared about her.

now, he was thankful brendon almost fucked his crush.

"i care about her, tyler." josh whispered and looked down at his feet.

"i know, bud. i know."


a/n: merry/happy/feliz whatever you celebrate! thought i'd end this one on a happy-ish note as a little present from me to you :)

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