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"i'm telling you tyler, she's out to get me!" i ranted to my best friend, pacing back and forth in my living room.

"are you sure? isn't ashlynn like, best friends with her?" i scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"yeah, i thought so. she's so sweet to everybody but me! she even said that if i go back to ash's apartment, she'd 'make my life hell.'" i used air quotes around the words.

"i think you might've fallen asleep or something last night, bud. that seems too weird to be real. are you sure you weren't watching some movie that made you have nightmares?" tyler brought his iced tea to his lips and took a long sip, sighing in content afterward.

"maybe." i sighed with myself, far from content with the conclusion i had come to. "i'm gonna go take a nap." i proclaimed and started towards my bedroom.

"nighty night!" jenna called after me. she had been on her phone while we were talking.

i sighed and collapsed on my bed, but just as i did so, my phone started to ring. it was ashlynn.

i contemplated answering it. should i tell her about her psychotic friend? hwo would i even say it? "oh hey ash, yeah, your best friend threatened my life if i ever spoke to you so, gotta run!" hell no.

"hello?" i held the cold metal to my ear regretfully.

"what did i tell you about talking with ashlynn? you pig, that's strike one. two more, and you're out." the line cut, and i was left dumbfounded.

"tyler!" i shouted, running back towards the living room.

"aren't you supposed to be napping?" tyler questioned, and eyebrow raised in my direction.

"she called me! the psycho called me! it was through ashlynn's phone, look!" i showed him my recent calls, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"there's nothing there. your last call was from me." he chuckled worriedly, looking from the phone to me. i quickly turned the phone back to me, scrolling through my history crazily.

all the traces of the call were gone.

"are you sure you're not just jealous?" jenna spoke up.

"i'm not lying! she threatened me!" i exclaimed, shutting off my phone. i knew i was right. and sure, i'm jealous ash has been spending more time with cassandra than me, but that's nothing. we're not dating or anything, so i have no reason to be jealous, really.

"josh, go take a nap. you're probably just tried again, you and i both know you get weird when you're tired."

i sighed and defeated and stomped back to my bedroom, collapsing back on my bed. once again, my phone beeped.

strike two. it's cute how you underestimate me.

my eyes widened. she couldn't get rid of this one, right?

i got back up and started running for the living room; then i glanced out the window. a figure dashed from view, and it was debatable whether or not something was there. i looked back at my phone.

the text was gone.

then, another one came and left in an instant.

one more strike, you're out.

|-/ the next day |-/

i was watching everyone's every move like cassandra would pop out any second.

i was going over ash's, reluctantly, and praying that cassandra wouldn't be there.

i walked into the apartment with my hood up, since she directed me just to walk in.

thankfully, it was just ash in the living room.

"hey!" she greeted cheerily.

"ash, i have to talk to you." i decided i'd get straight to the point.

"yeah, sure. what's up?" she sat up a little straighter as she looked at me expectantly. i knew it as going to sound insane.

"cassandra is out to get me." i blurted quickly, trying to make it sound less accusing than it was.

"what? cass? no. she's a sweetheart." ash's eyebrow raised, and she adjusted herself, so she was fully facing me, her attention all on me. her eyes werent soft like usual; they had this slight bit of harshness that i had never seen before.

"far from it! when you went to get popcorn before the movie, she told me to 'leave her the fuck alone,' then after that, she took ou to your room to sleep then when she came back, she threatened me. she said if i came back she's ruining my life. she called me a parasite!" i ranted loudly. i sounded clinically insane, and i could tell by her face.

"josh..." she started, but i didn't have it. she was going to believe me.

"no! she blatantly threatened me, ash!" i spoke again.

"what's the commotion?" a voice echoed through the room from the door, and to my fear, it was cassandra. i turned around slowly to face her, and i almost saw her face twist in disgust at the sight of me.

"nothing, cass. josh was just leaving." ash eyed me down, burning holes in my skin.


"josh, go." her voice was real harshness. it was the scariest thing i've ever heard. i sighed and turned, sliding past cassandrat to get to the foyer. but, just as i was about to leave, i felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"strike three." her voice hissed. "you're out."

i lied. that was the scariest thing i've ever heard.

|-/ |-/ |-/ |-/

a/n: honestly cassandrat needs to yeet herself into oblivion. 

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