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i could practically see the thoughts running through it's highlighter head. it made me so giddy inside to see it like this, all scared of little old me.

"so, joshie. may i call you joshie?" i chuckled victoriously as i stepped towards it. it was practically dripping sweat, disgusting. "i don't care. anyways, you have something that belongs to me. hand it over." i held my hand out to it expectantly, and before it could even mutter out a noise i spoke again.

"oh- wait- she can't fit in my pocket can she?" my smile grew as i saw realization hit him. hadn't he already realized he stole her from me? he's the villain here! i'm the hero!

i've always been the hero, in all of my days. not once have i done anything to hurt anyone when it was unjust. that's not who i am.

i've had everything ripped away from me when i was young. my family, my friends, my livelihood, all of it.

it all started when i was only 7.

"cassy?" my mother called from the other side of our small apartment.

"yeah?" i came from my bedroom and to the kitchen to see my mother. there would have been nothing wrong with the picture if my father wasn't lying dead on the ground.

"honey, please, don't scream." her voice was calm as always like she wasn't wielding the knife that caused my father to be in a bloody pit on the ground.

"what have you done?!" i fell to the ground beside my father, disobeying her order not to scream. i balled up the fabric of his button up shirt in my hands, a loud cry escaping my mouth. i felt a yank at my collar, causing me to rise to my feet to not choke.

"i told you not to scream, baby." she whispered, placing her hand on my shoulder. "mommy had to do this, you understand? you've heard us fighting, and daddy really hurt mommy." her eyes told me she was right, they always did. something just seemed so very off about this entire situation.

"you believe me, right cass?" the knife fell to the floor with a loud crash, making me flinch in fear and back away from the woman.

"no, no no no, cassandra please, i'm not the villain here." she crouched down so she was my height and stared at me. i didn't know why, but i believe her. i ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her, her returning the favor.

"honey, you can't tell anyone about this, alright?" she parted us so she was looking me in the eyes again.

"why?" i asked curiously, the tears streaming from my eyes starting to dry up.

"that's a good question," she laughed a bit and stood back up, lifting me into her arms. "you see, sometimes when people cause problems you have to fix those problems. sometimes you can just talk, but when that doesn't work, you have to take more... extreme measures." she explained in a soft voice.

"extreme measures?" i tilted my head curiously, trying to repeat the new phrase.

"yeah, pumpkin. what mommy did to daddy is justified, you see. that means that it was alright because there was a good reason." she placed me back on the floor. suddenly, i smelled a fouls stench coming from beside my mother.

"yucky!" i exclaimed and plugged my nose with my fingers, waving my other hand in front of my face. my mother laughed at this, and so did i.

"oh, that's right! let's fix this problem together, shall we dear?" her tone was so kind, how could i not trust her?

she instructed me to pick up my father's legs as she picked up his arms, and to take him into the backyard. i followed orders and helped her. she told me to fetch the shovel we used to pick up snow, and after i did, she told me to go inside and play. i figured that when he woke up, she'd tell him to shovel extra snow from last week as punishment. little did i know my mother was not just fixing the problem, but exterminating it.

from then on, my mother seemed to have a lot more problems. she had so many, she actually started home-schooling me. then, mommy told me she was going to see some big people for a few minutes, and i never saw her again. 

she abandoned me, yes. i found out later in my teen years that she was put in jail for 12 counts of murder, 3 counts of arson, 1 count of child endangerment, and a list of other ridiculous and unjustified charges. it was and still is a mystery to me as for why they locked her up, everything she did was justified. those people hurt her. she had every right to fix her problems! everyone deserves a utopia, and sometimes police can't arrest all the bad people in the world so the citizens have to step in sometimes. my mother told me that when she brought home another fixed problem.

once i got the news that my mother died in prison when i was 18, i went mad. the police found out i had helped with her problems, and they decided to lock me up too. i had just met ashlynn. everything was perfect, then she was ripped from me just when i was about to confess my love. the came storming into my dorm room, pushed me up against the wall. i was shouting how what they were doing was unjustified and that they had no reason to do any of it, but they didn't listen.

i spent 4 years of my life in the souza-baranowski correctional center, and boy did i learn a lot. i told my new friends my story, and they gave me the nickname "alph." they said it was short for alpha, and i was flattered. people started following me around, and i was even more flattered. people would avoid me sometimes, and that kind of hurt. but one person never did. that was my best friend locked up, her name was kathryn.

kathryn was everything that i was and better. she never told me what she was in for, but i never asked nor cared. she told me a whole bunch of things, like how to get rid of problems more effectively. i could make it look like they fixed themselves.

i use her knowledge to this day. jenna, for example. kathryn told me i could take rats like her and drown them in a nearby ocean or lake from a boat. no one could hear them from all the way out, and it was unlikely she would be found deep in the waters. i'm planning on executing that plan after this whole problem fixes itself, and ashlynn is back safe with me. after that jenna thing is over, i might do it's best friend. that is if he doesn't actually fix himself once i kill his wife and best friend.

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a/n: had to end it there before going crazy at 5,000 words or something wahey.

so what do y'all think of cassandra now? is it her fault she's so corrupt? is blaming it on how she was raised her whole life a good excuse? she was home-schooled after all, so she never really was taught the correct right and wrong. tell me what you think! 

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