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i slipped the small note into my wallet and kept it there, figuring i'd throw it in the trash next time i was near a trashcan. or i'd just keep it.

tyler and i went on with the tour as normal, and it was awesome. the fans were amazing, and we made it big. finally, we did it.

i had totally forgotten about rosemary in the time, much to focused on traveling the world and having the time of my life. though, it all came back to me in tour de columbus. the basement. there she was, right at the barricade. she was staring right at me, her empty eyes giving me life.

i held eye contact with her, but i couldn't for long. she was gone in seconds. i had been staring at her the entire time, and i didn't see her move an inch. then in the blink of an eye she had vanished. i snapped out of it and just focused on drumming, which was the only thing i really could do. trees was the next song, meaning we had to get on top of the crowd. right before we had to start drumming, i reached my hand down as usual. though usually the crowd would never actually get to hold my hand with intertwined fingers, i couldn't help but intertwine my fingers with the delicate hand holding mine. it was fragile, and i could see whoever it was is really pale. i caught a glimpse of their face, and there she was. rosemary, of course. who else?

my mouth was slightly hanging open as i stared at her, and i noticed a few people taking pictures. great, some new clique drama. like conor wasn't bad enough.

i almost missed the cue being infatuated with the feeling of her hand in my own. i easily slipped my hand out of her with no protest from her, which was surprising. most fans wouldn't let my hand go. was she even a fan? 

once i looked back, she was gone. vanished out of thin air. it baffled me, but i kept on playing. she was out of my mind. maybe all she needed to do was vanish to finally leave me alone. maybe she wanted to see me one last time before i left for a year or two. i guess i'll never know.


luckily, after the tour finished, that girl was out of my mind. i, of course, tried to find some hidden meaning in all that she did, but when i found nothing, i decided i'd just drop it. like any sane person would.

we finally made it back home, and tour de columbus was amazing. it was beyond amazing to be back home relaxing and sleeping in my bed instead of a bunk on a bus.

of course, i had to visit the best place on earth the first day i wasn't busy, taco bell. so i grabbed my skateboard and i was out, hitting the sidewalks and making sure not to accidentally almost kill someone sitting on the curb.

the bell was in my sights, and it seemed to have a glow around it like it was some sort of heaven. it distracted me, but i didn't even care. that is until i felt an arm wrap around me from the side and something cover my mouth. i tried to grab whoever it was, but they were covering my nose and my mouth. chloroform.

they dragged me into a nearby alley, leaving my skateboard on the sidewalk. how did some paparazzi person not catch this? the one time i'm not followed, i'm kidnapped.

my vision started to get blurry, my thrashing toning down as i slowly fell unconscious. i felt something around my wrists behind my back, and something holding together my legs. then, i couldn't remember anything.


i woke up in a sweat, my eyes shooting open. i wished it was a dream, but when i looked around, it knew it wasn't. i was tied to a chair, my wrists behind me in metal cuffs. the room i was in seemed to be an office, there was a desk with piles and piles of money. there was also a locked safe, which i guessed housed more riches. there were shelves and shelves of green and white, but i assure you this person is not a botanist. there were orange bottles all in bins, the labels ripped off and instead replaced with stickers that read various different names of illegal substances.

"ah! our guest is awake!" i heard a voice behind me. i tried to move my head back to see who it was, but something stopped me. my neck was also chained to the chair, obvious to leave a mark. any movement i made would hurt me. this person definitely was not one for going easy.

i tried to scream, call out for help, talk back to the person, but it didn't work. there was a rag tied across my mouth, preventing my speech.

"ah, ah, ah! now joshua, you know you can't do that!" the person walked ahead of me and didn't turn to meet my eyes.

the person, whom he identified as a woman, had a pencil skirt and blazer, and hair that went to her mid back. (( i swear if anyone makes a 'did you just assume my gender' joke i'm deleting the comment because that shit joke dies in 2015 psa over ))

the woman looked down and opened a few drawers, taking out various needles and things of that sort, obvious drugs. she rolled a piece of paper around a green bush looking thing, which i knew exactly what it was. she easily brought the roll to her lips and lit it, smoke filling the air after she exhaled. it smelled putrid. 

"that, joshua, is pure bliss." she laughed like you'd hear in a disney movie, but she was the villain intensified by 30 times.

"remove the rag from his mouth, i want to hear if he'll scream or speak." she kept her face hidden as she spoke, the hat on her head casting a shadow. the room was dark, so it wasn't hard to mask a face.

i felt the rag being untied from the back of my head, and soon it was out of my mouth. i immediately tried screaming for help, but i knew it was no use. i kept this up for a few minutes, all while feeling the woman's eyes burning into me.

"are you done, joshua?" she questioned, her arms folded over her chest. to answer her question yes, i am dun, joshua. i don't know why she asked for my name so formally, though. most just go with joshua dun... (( i had to make that joke do you blame me ))

i nodded slowly and stared down at my lap, still trying to squirm out of the chair.

i heard the clicking of feet against the floor, and once i looked back up i saw the shadow faced woman looking right at me, only about a foot away. i could distinguish some traits through the shadow, but not many.

"turn on the light." her head tilted up and to the side, obviously looking at someone. when the lights didn't turn on, i could see her eyebrows furrow. "i said, turn the damn light on." she growled again. there was another pause, and the lights flicked on.

the shadow was still being cast on her face as she reached for the brim of her hat, taking it off her head and letting the light go on her face.

i felt the blood seemingly drain from my body as my mouth hung open, staring into the eyes of my worst nightmare.

"so joshua, you remember me?" a wicked smile grew on her face, and i couldn't say a thing.

cassandra was back, and staring me straight in the face.


a/n: DUN DUN DUUUUUUNN! BAM BITCH! SHE'S BACK! hate me all you want, i told you no more fillers. expect more chapters in the near future, i'm gonna be hella bored this week.

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