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a/n: i'm running out of ideas fast so... i'm sorry, but i think it's gonna happen sooner.

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jenna's mouth hung open as her eyes scanned the pages of the small brown book, making sure not to harm it. she didn't want to get killed, so she planned on putting it back whenever she could.

each page read something more horrible than the last, then, a certain named started popping up more and more.

first, there was one mentioning of the name "josh." then, there was the full name. joshua william dun.

it started to replace that name with that of rodent, which jenna couldn't help but laugh at the tiniest bit. but, she composed herself. this was serious.

the further she read, the more horrified she got. josh was right about cassandra. and she denied him immediately.

jenna reached hurriedly for her phone and scrolled through her contacts to josh's number, bringing her cell to her ear anxiously. it rang... and rang... and rang... and voicemail.

she sighed in frustration and hung up the call before the voicemail could finish and got up from the couch.

"i guess i'll have to do this myself." she walked to the front door, grabbed her jacket, and went out to her car.

time to befriend a psychopath.

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cassandra had agreed to let jenna come over, luckily. jenna's heart was practically beating out of her chest, she felt like some kind of detective.

she pulled into the driveway of the seemingly ordinary house, but jenna knew better now than last time. she'd always be on her toes, always alert, always-

"if you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, make it last forever-" jenna jumped out of her thoughts, her elbow hitting the car horn in the process as she reached for her phone and declined the call from the unknown number. she ran her hands down her face in frustration and sent a smile to cassandra, who was looking out the window at her suspiciously.

"get yourself together, jenna." jenna told herself as she got out of the car and locked the doors.

she walked up to the front door and before she could even knock it flew open and she was engulfed in a huge hug.

"jenna!" cassandra exclaimed excitedly. "come in, come in!" she stepped aside, practically shoving jenna inside the house.

as cassandra talked about whatever she could think of to make jenna believe she was normal, jenna snuck the small journal from her purse and under the table. a likely place to lose things, she reckoned.

"so, since you're here, you said you wanted to do something?" cassandra chirped, which her happiness was now very non-convincing.

"oh, yeah, i uh, i was thinking- uh- could i use the bathroom?" jenna's voice was shaky, nervousness seeped through. she thought she was going to be kim possible in the mission, but she was starting to feel like ron stoppable in her mission.

she nodded slowly and pointed around the corner. "down the hall, up the stairs, first door on your left." she explained slowly. she nodded quickly and unevenly, starting to walk down the hall. she practically ran once she was out of cassandra sight, clambering up the stairs. she opened the bathroom door then closed it, not stepping in. she thought that she'd only take 5 minutes in cassandra's room.

she tiptoed down the hallway, peeking into rooms until she saw the only one with a bed. she quietly cracked the door open, making sure not to touch anything in the seeming dungeon like room.

the room was oddly perfect, too perfect. jenna instantly was suspicious; then she spotted a small closet, and a light went off in her head.

she got tunnel vision, and calls he could see was that closet. she tiptoed over to it slowly, opening it just as dramatically before finally swinging it open to see-

shoes. just shoes.

she sighed inwardly and shut the closet door, walking out of the bedroom and closing the door behind her. maybe she was just overthinking? maybe cassandra is normal after all?

she walked into the bathroom and flushed the toilet, so it ould seems like she actually used it.

cassandra may not be hiding anything in her bedroom, but there is definitely something wrong with her. her voice is just... wrong. jenna knew something was up. though it wasn't going to be easy, she was going to find out what was happening with cassandra. cassandra may be smart,

but jenna is smarter.

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