Chapter 23

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"Oh yeah, I forgot. What happened to that karate competition, (Name)?" Yamaguchi asked, munching on his ice cream on the way home with you and Tsukishima.

"Oh, that? It was moved. I dunno why, but they said I'll be the one to represent the club."

"You must be that good, then." Tsukishima said, taking a bite out of his pink ice cream sandwich.

You still weren't used to this "kind" Tsukishima, and you and your freckled friend were still adjusting. It wasn't natural; but you couldn't say you didn't like it.

Change is a good thing sometimes.

You liked the change.

"Well... If they moved it, it's gonna be around this month, maybe?" You stated, biting the cone of your (favorite flavor) ice cream.

"I suppose so."

"Hey! Can we watch you compete?"

"Huh? W-well... I don't see why not." You replied, smiling. "I'll tell you two when the competition is, and where it'll be held. I'll even tell Chichi and Mayu."

"Great! We'll see you then, (Name). I'll go on ahead. I'mma give you two some alone time." Yamaguchi said, walking away.

"So... Um..." You started, but a hand interrupted you. His hand was on your mouth.

"I'll be taking you home." The blonde stated, removing his hand.

"Gross." He said in disgust, some ice cream remains on his palm. You laughed as he took out his handkerchief and wiped his hand.

He held out his hand for you to take, gesturing a "let's go". You took his hand and he walked you home.

It was quite a long walk; just the two of you-- alone, walking in the streets at night. For once, he was talkative. Very unusual for you, but you didn't mind it at all.

You liked it.

Although you know he won't be like that to other people or Yamaguchi, you felt...



"Thank you for taking me home, Tsukki."

"That's my responsibility now. From now on, I'll be taking you home. Got it?"

You chuckled, and smiled.

"By the way," He started, slightly walking away from  you. "It's a Saturday tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to go out?"

"Hm? With or without Yama-"


"Oh! Well, of course. Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere, as long as it's with you."

You felt your cheeks heat up, and you saw him smirk.

"M-my god, you're so cheesy."

"That would be my definition of "sweet".''

"You dweeb."

He chuckled.

"Well, I'll be going now. I'll fetch you tomorrow, so be ready by around 3pm."

"Okay. Ki wo tsukete."

"Bye. Good night."

(A/N: "Ki wo tsukete" means "Be careful" in English, or "Ingat" in Tagalog, which is  what we Filipinos say when we want someone to go somewhere safely. ^^)

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