Chapter 29

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(A/N: This'll be a tad bit OOC so please forgive meeeee ;-;)

"Ow!" The blonde whined, flinching as you dabbed alcohol on the wounds on his face.

"Sorry..." You apologized. "Did it hurt that much?"

Well if it wasn't actually alcohol you were using, d-u-m-m-y.

"A bit." He mumbled, slouching down for you to reach his face.


The president and Tsukishima fought.

Well, more like the president was beating the blonde up more than the blonde was fighting back.

You weren't really surprised; Tsukishima WAS your boyfriend. But the fact that he'd go as far as getting into a fight was new.

"Tsukki, stop!" Yamaguchi exclaimed, hesitating to go near the two fighting students.

"Oh my god! Break it up, you two!" Mayu shouted angrily, stomping her way over to the two. But you stopped her with you uninjured arm, blocking her way.

"Don't." You said in a very serious voice. The only voice your two female friends know... That's right.

That voice.

"I will fucking snap your neck if you land one more punch on my boyfriend." You stated, a dark aura surrounding you.

"Oh dear lord." Chichi mumbled, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Chiyo-san? What's wrong?" Yamaguchi questioned the female.

"Oh, you've never seen (Name) like this before?"


"Well, let's just say this is gonna be the first time you'll encounter an angered beast."

Yamaguchi shivered.

"(Name), go easy on him."

"Will do." You stated. "If you don't let go of my boyfriend in 5 seconds, your sorry ass is up mounted on my bedroom wall."

"(L-last name)-san?"  

"You heard me right, president. I will kill you. So go, try and land one more punch on the person I love."

"Y-you have a boyf-"

"You heard me, fucker."

Everyone's eyes widened, especially the megane.

He pushed the blonde away and approached you, grabbing the collar of your shirt.

"Pfft, you wouldn't hit a girl now, would you, president?" You spat, raising an eyebrow at him.

In his eyes, he seemed angry, but there was a hint of sadness in them.

Maybe he did like you.

But with what you just saw, you couldn't even say you'd respect him as a leader anymore, or even a senpai.

You didn't like him the way he liked you, but you never meant to hurt his feelings.

His hand that was clutching your shirt was trembling. He let go of you and turned away.


"P-president..." You said in a soft voice. He turned to you, frowning.

Before he could say anything, you elbowed him in the chest and kneed him in the business.

"That's  for beating up my boyfriend. Come on guys, we're taking the train." You stated in a serious voice, leading your group out of the parking lot like the bad ass you are.

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