Bonus Chapter

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Mayumi: Confession

(Name) was sent home after she fainted, and Chichi went home with Sugawara. Since Sugawara-san is probably gonna invite Chichi to dinner, I was left going home with Hinata and Kageyama. The ball of sunshine happily yapped about how they won their match against Seijoh, and I couldn't be happier for them.

Walking towards an uphill, Hinata started walking up with his bicycle next to him.

"I'll be going home now, Mayumi-san!" The orange haired boy started, turning around to face you and the raven haired setter. "Bakayama, don't get too mad or something, you might scare her."

"Dumbass Hinata!" He shouted, which caused Hinata to run up the hill. Kageyama faced me, opening his mouth to speak.

"I-I'll take you home..." He stuttered. His face was tinted pink; so was mine.

We walked around a bit, barely talking to each other. Why?

I was too shy to start a conversation.

But he wasn't speaking, either... Was he also shy?


It was quiet when we neared my street, until he spoke.


I craned my neck to look up at him.

God, why are you so damn tall.

"A-about before... That time you gave me that milk... Why did you apologize?"


"I mean, I know why you apologized... It's just... You didn't really have to."

I felt heat rush up to my face.

"It was n-... Nuff-... Knif- nice..."

"OH." I blurted out. What am I supposed to say?! I mean I like him, yes I do. But... I can't believe he's saying this. I felt my face heat up. Oh my g-

Mayumi.exe has stopped working. Please reboot.


"O-oh, so-sorry... I-I mean-"

"I like you."
"I like you!"




We spoke at the same time, but I think we said the same thing...

"D-did..." He started, but instead, he covered half of his face with his hand, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh my god- I am so sorry- I mean- I didn't-..." I trailed off, clearly at a loss for words.

We stood there awkwardly at the end of my street, both faces red.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it.

"A-anyway..." He started, looking at me in the eye. "Mayumi-san... I um... I li-... Like you..."

I can feel my heart beat faster, and I'm afraid it's going to jump right out of my chest and punch me in the face with its blood vessel.

"I-I like you too..." I was able to mumble, my eyes averting his gaze.

I hear a relieved sigh, then a chuckle. I look up to see Kageyama smiling. He holds out his hand, letting me take it. He takes me further into my street and in front of my house.

"I guess I'll see you at school then, Mayumi-san?" He asks casually, his smile unfaded.

I nod sheepishly. "Thank you, Kageyama-kun..."

He looks away, blushing. He was about to leave when he turned around and kissed me on my forehead. He then makes a run for it, while I melt into a puddle.


This is dedicated to semipai 💚❤

ish I miss u :(

I tried my best to think like Een. 😂💚

I hope you like this btw lolol

Til the next chapter ~

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