Chapter 26

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The day of the competition

"(Name)!" A certain freckled boy shouted, along with a tall blonde, and two girls who were shorter than them.

"Guys! Hey, you made it before the bus left!" You said happily. "I guess you can go with us  here. Is that okay, president?"

"Yep. C'mon in."

The four smiled and sat on the backseat of the bus. You sat in between the two boys and two girls. After a while, the bus started moving.


20 minutes later, you arrived at your destination:

Aoba Johsai.

In the changing rooms, where you changed as well, the other members seemed to be... Sweating.

A lot.

Moments after changing, the ones who finished changing came out of the changing room, including you, who was wearing the karate attire. The president, who was tying his belt around his waist, spoke up.

"This is a big school, with slightly big opponents... But this is just a competition, so there's no need to feel nervous or-"

"I feel like puking." A member of the club stated.

"Oh my god my hands are shaking!" Another said, holding her hands up.

"President, I can't feel my face."

"Ooooohhh gooooooddddd."

"I need to pee..."

"Enough." You started. "No need to get nervous, okay? We're all in this together! Together we stand; divided we fall! Together, we climb to the top of the world! Okay?!"

"Uwaaah, (Last-name)-san is so inspirational..."

"(Last name)-saaaaaan..."


"Okay then, let's do this!"


You smiled and went out of the halls while the others chatted and calmed down. You then noticed your girl friends smiling widely at you, Yamaguchi next to Tsukishima, and the blonde himself smiling at what just happened.

"How inspirational of you, (Name)!" Chichi said.

"W-well, I needed to get them in a good mood..."

"Don't worry! We've got your back!"

You chuckled.

"Thanks, Mayu, Chichi."

They smiled and went to their seats.

"I'll go with your other friends, (Name). Good luck!"

"Thank you, Yamaguchi."

With that, the freckled boy left.

"You can do this." The blonde said calmly

"I know I can." You replied, a smirk on your face.

"Confident, aren't we?" He chuckled, and you giggled.

You breathed in. "I'll do my best."

"I know you will." He stated, cupping your cheeks and squishing them.


"Shut up, you know I'm cute."

He giggled, and bent down to kiss you on your lips. It was a longer kiss than usual, but you didn't mind it at all.

"That's for good luck." He whispered.

"Tsukki, you're so soft." You replied, your cheeks a tint of pink.

"I'm only like this to you, idiot." He replied shyly, his face turning red.

You laughed, and hugged him. As soon as you let go, you noticed three heads peeking out the door to the gym.


The three giggled and scampered away. You sighed.

"(Last name)-san! It's starting! Are you ready?" The president of the club asked you, the other members already walking into the gym.



Aaaaaye! Merry Christmas. XD

I got  a new phone omfg but I'm still working on it I cri ;-;


This is like, one of the greatest gifts I've ever received... I'm not famous, I don't have as much followers as you guys probably have, but I do have the ability to write. //DIES LAUGHING// 

Anyway, happy holidays, hoomans. <3

Til the next chapter~

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