Chapter 17

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You and Tsukishima arrived at the train station, right before the train was about to leave.

"Run!" You exclaimed, letting go of his jacket and grabbing his wrist. You and him got in the train before the doors closed.

You panted, and he looked around for some seats. Although it was crowded on one side, you stuck to the person you were with, even though you didn't want to. You weren't claustrophobic, but you've always hated crowds, and people. 

Being the tall person he was, Tsukishima was able to spot 2 seats on the other side of the train. He bent down to your level and whispered directly in your ears. "Follow me."

You followed. Through the crowd, then out of it in a spacey spot between the doors. You both sat down, tired from running.

"We made it." You mumbled under your breath.

"It wasn't necessary for you to drag me to the practice match, it doesn't matter if I go or not." He said irritatingly. "Now we're both tired in the morning."

"Hey, our friend invited me. I just said yes. I don't wanna be the reason why you weren't able to be in the match."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and kept quiet, like always. He wore his headphones and scanned his music playlist, while you just stared out the window, in deep thought.


"One stop left and we're there, shortie." The blonde stated, turning his head to face you. 

You were asleep.

He furrowed his eyebrows and saw you trying your best not to let your body lean on some random stranger next to you while you were napping, so he grabbed the side of your head and let it rest on his shoulder.

He leaned back a bit, and you were definitely asleep. He glanced at you; staring at your sleeping state. 

He tilted his head a bit to see you clearly. 

Your bangs covered one side of your face, eyelashes seemed longer than usual, lips slightly parted; he noticed all of your features just now-- while you were asleep.

She's pretty... He thought.

He admits it himself. But at this state, he couldn't stop staring. You weren't just pretty to his eyes...

You were beautiful.

He moved a little to remove his headphones, but he accidentally elbowed you. He barely noticed you open your eyes.

Once his headphones were removed, he glanced back at you.

Your eyes met with hazel brown ones.

Your eyes widened and your face flushed red.

W-what the-? Am I leaning on him?! IS HE STARING AT ME?! DEAR LORD-

"You're awake." He stated calmly, still gazing at you.


"We're one stop away from our destination. I'll just wake you up."

Okaaaay... What did this guy eat and he's being nice to me?

"I-it's fine. I just needed a little nap." You said awkwardly, slowly lifting your head from his shoulder.

Then the train made its stop. The doors opened, and the two of you dashed out.


"That's the school." Tsukishima stated as you both ran. You both made a turn and ran to the gym. There, the sounds of rubber shoes squeaking and volleyballs bouncing were heard. Now in front of the gym doors, you stopped and breathed heavily.

"We... We made it..." You panted. "Go... Practice match... Now..!"

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and guided you to the seats.

"Eh? I s-said go and practice!" You exclaimed, everyone in the court looking at the two of you.

"Ehhh, Tsukishima!"

"Tsukki, you made it!"


"A-and (Last name)-san's with him! Luckyyyy!"

He made you sit down and finally left to join his team. Everyone greeted him with a slap on the back and a happy smile on their face. At the same time, Chichi and Mayu entered the gym. You waved at them and they ran to you, sitting next to you.

"Sorry we're late!"

"It's fine," You started. "We were late too." You smiled. The two looked at each other and laughed.

The practice match then began.



I wanna thank yatogurl for helping me out with one of the scenes in this one lololol thanks bish <3

Til the next chapter~

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