Chapter 25

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A week later, you were informed that your karate competition was on the next day. It was short notice, but you prepared anyway. You told Mayu, Chichi, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

Speaking of which, many of your classmates found out that you and the blonde are now together.

Some of the girls congratulated you, most of the boys wondered why you liked an asshole like him. Either way, you loved each other, so what's to give?


During break time, you went to your club with Chichi and Mayu. You were told the schedule of the match, etc.

"(Name), you sure you can handle being the representative?" Chichi asked.

"I'll just be like, fighting the big ones, y'know?" You replied.

"Is that boys vs. girls or what?" Mayu questioned.

"I think so."

"She's the second strongest in the club, me being the first," the tall, dark-haired president of the karate club interrupted. "Although only in second place, she's beaten me a few times before. Which means she should be first, if it wasn't for the other members saying 'That's only a girl, don't let your guard down'. I removed those jerks from the club."

"Damn, really?" You said, surprised.

"Just because you're a girl, (Last name)-san, it doesn't mean you're not capable of kicking a guy's ass. I'm gonna retire this year, and you're the president-to-be of this club."

"I-I see..."

"Don't look so worried! There's a lot of time. Anyway, call time tomorrow is 7am. Be in front of the school before the call time, okay?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"See you then, (Last name)-san."


"The match is tomorrow, guys." You told the two boys as the three of you went home together. "I'm leaving before 7am... Will you go watch us?"

"Of course." The two said in unison.

"Awesome. I'll see you tomorrow then, okay? I'll be expecting you!"

"Yeah! We've never seen you fight in a competition, so..."

"Do your best."

"I will! I promise."

"I'll get going then. Bye Tsukki, bye (Name)!"

"Bye, Yamaguchi."

It's become a habit that Yamaguchi goes home first and leaves the two of you alone. He understands that as a couple, you two should have some time alone, even if it's just for a moment. He respects what's happening, and although it hurts, he's still happy for the both of you.

Tsukishima sending you home has also become a habit.

"Thank you, Tsukki."

"You're welcome, (Name). Good night."

"See you tomorrow?"

"Of course." He replied, a small smile on his face.

Before leaving, he bent down to kiss your cheek, which wasn't a habit.

You blushed, and his smile turned into a smirk.

"Good night, princess."

"Shu-shut up! Good night!"

You could've sworn you heard him laugh.

Inside, your mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner, singing a song, doing mom things.

You told her about the competition the next day, and she said she would go.

"Support from your mother is important too, no?" She said, leaning on the counter.

"Of course, but it's okay if you don't. But if you really want to, okay. Just please... Don't scream like back in 4th grade."

"What? That girl almost kicked your face! If I didn't, my daughter's face would be mushed and crushed. Reversing her attack was genius."


"Okay, okay!" She laughed. "Kick ass tomorrow, dear. You can do it." She said as she kissed your forehead.

"Thanks, mom."


Rushed chapter! I'm gonna be celebrating Christmas at mah hometown, so I might not publish a chapter ASAP. ; - ; - ; - ; - ;

Enewehhhhh at a Christmas Choir Contest at my school (I was part of it and I was the lead alto wtf), we




And now I have no voice HAHA

I cri

Til the next chapter~ ^^

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