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•this book was inspired by a tumblr prompt so let's see how this turns out•

••baekhyun' pov••

Oh hell no.

Oh hell no.

Today was not the day Byun Baekhyun was getting fired.

Clenching my fists beside my sides, I let out deep breaths.

Calm down.

Let me start from the beginning.

•• flashback to this morning ••

I threw on the heavy coat by the doorway, making sure to stuff my black phone into the side pockets. It was literally below 20 degrees outside, which made me think that nobody deserved to be outside in this.

But alas, responsibilities always seemed to fuck shit up. In a frenzy, I grabbed the keys from the counter, slid on some shoes, and fit a beanie over my hair.

If I'm late for my shift I will stab a bitch

Try me

Bringing my eyebrows together, I stepped out into the cold before slamming my door behind me. I overlooked locking the door because I have nothing anyone would want anyways.

My name is Byun Baekhyun, and currently I am running late for my shift at IKEA. Not that you would really care much, but it's extremely important that I am not late.

I held onto this job faithfully for two whole years, and though it may not be the most convenient, it definitely brought in money.

Especially since I was now the manager.

And the manager can't be late.

Murmuring profanities and unlocking the car, I ignored the blistering coldness in the air by focusing on my mission.

Get across town before the clock strikes 8:00.

Shifting in my seat, I tried to block out the continuous beeping of the seatbelt monitor, and instead focused on not getting hit while speeding down the interstate. Dodging cars was a skill I happily bragged about.

Yes, I was going 10 miles above the speed limit.

No, I'm not going to slow down.

My knuckles were white as I jerked the wheel to the left, turning into the IKEA parking deck. Unfortunately (but expectedly), the first level which I usually park on was all full.

I let out an irritated groan at all of the people already here. Why do they feel the need to come get furniture so early in the morning?

Driving upwards, more spaces began opening up, and I saw my chance beside a red SUV.

Wasting no time in getting out of the car, I locked it and hurried towards the elevator.

With the business propositions still in the backseat.

Tapping my arm anxiously, I cursed how slow the elevator moved. Nothing was going in my favor.

As it dinged, I hurried my walking pace to a slight jog, up the stairs, past the 'employees only' sign, and into the offices I went.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now