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•• 3rd person pov••

"Mister Sandman~
Bring me a dream.
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen~" The lyrics left Baekhyun's lips softly, bouncing around the bathroom.

He lifted up his hands to gently wash his hair, loving how the smell of berries filled the room.

I'm manly as hell

Letting the water wash over his face, the droplets rolled down his body, leaving streaks and wet marks streaking down his back and chest.

Squirting a tiny bit of conditioner in his hand, he ran it through the fading brown strands.

Satisfied and feeling much cleaner, he rinsed himself off before turning off the water.

It was currently the next day, meaning the second day of dating Park Chanyeol, the boy who wouldn't seem to get out of his head.

No matter what he tried; listening to music on high blast, distracting himself by watching tv, or trying to read; it didn't matter. His mind just couldn't get off of that huge childish grin and those warm brown eyes.

Baekhyun wrapped a towel around his waist, stepping out of his shower.


The brunette froze.

I just fucking heard a noise didn't I?

I can't die naked oh my god

Looking around, he reached out and grabbed the closest thing to his body.

A toilet plunger.

Pushing open the bathroom door quietly, he snuck out into the hallway.

He tied the towel onto his body, and tip toed down the the first few stairs of his home.

With a racing heart and a closed up throat, the brunette pressed his back against the wall and peeked his head out into the living room.


Gripping the plunger, he quietly walked across the room.

The faint sound of the fridge door closing nearly gave him a heart attack.

The boy stood outside of the kitchen door, trying to calm himself.

You know Hapkido, you've got a weapon, and you're THE Byun Baekhyun.

I can do this.

He burst into the kitchen, pointing the plunger threateningly at the intruder.

A figure stood there wide eyed, a pouch of food halfway to his opened mouth and hair messy.

"PARK CHANYEOL ARE YOU EATING MY FUCKING YOGURT?!" Baekhyun screeched out, flying at the tall giant.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Chanyeol screamed, his low voice getting surprisingly high.

After two minutes of the shorter thoroughly chasing the taller around the house and swinging the plunger around like a sword, the duo was out of breath.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now