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•• 3rd person pov••

"May we talk for a moment, Chanyeol?"

The clocks had just struck 3:30, and the buzzing bell had sounded less than a minute ago. Currently, Park Chanyeol was leaving his last school class that day.

The silver haired senior paused in the doorway, and quickly waved his friends on.

As he turned back, he was met with a sight every student dreaded to see. His teacher sat in the desk with his hands folded over the wooden surface, a grimace covering his features. His eyebrows were drawn up and his gaze landed directly on Chanyeol.

The giant quietly shut the classroom door, and walked slowly up to his teacher's desk.

".. Did you need me, Mr. Le?"

The older man sighed. Mr. Le was around his fourties, and definitely didn't look a day younger. His brown hair was fluffy (and almost to the point of balding), and the grey roots were prominent. His glasses reflected the whole room, and when he lectured the class his voice was like a lullaby.

But he wasn't too bad.

It seemed that Mr. Le was the only teacher not to think of Chanyeol as a troublemaker. This made the silver haired boy very grateful to have at least one class where he wasn't constantly monitored from the moment he stepped in.

"I want to talk with you about your future."

Damn it.

Chanyeol pursed his lips and averted his eyes.

"What are you planning to do with your life, Chanyeol?" He muttered, tapping a pen against the desk in front of him.

The giant sighed lightly. "I'm taking over my father's company."

Mr. Le nodded lightly. "That wouldn't be a problem; but right now, it is."

Chanyeol tilted his head, and let the older continue.

"Your GPA is way under the needed requirement- in fact, it has been throughout your whole high school 'adventure'."

The silver haired high schooler looked around and nodded. My grades have never mattered anyways.

"What I'm saying is, the only job you'll be suited to doing is working in a fast food restaurant."

This caught the boy's attention. His head snapped up and he widened his eyes at the teacher before him.

"I'd like to suggest you take school a bit more seriously. I know high school is seen as a time to 'play around' and 'have fun', but this is a serious and important time to decide your entire future. I'd hate for you to lose that chance because of playing around."

Chanyeol bit his lip lightly, switching his weight onto his left foot.

"I'd like to see your GPA go up at least a little this year. As I said before, this is your senior year, and you can't raise it a lot; but it's still worth a try."

Old man has finally lost his rocker. I won't be able to raise those- I can't even make higher than a C! He thought bitterly, but nodded nonetheless.

"You may go."


Chanyeol found himself in the middle of the hallway, alone.

It was now 4:03, and every student was either peacefully enjoying their at home time or playing a sport in the gym.

But Chanyeol was standing in an empty school. He breathed in the musty air filled with the scent of over cooked meat loaf and pencil shavings, not to mention to over powering BO that some of the students couldn't seem (or didn't care) to get rid of.

This was the normal smell of his school, and he hated it. He despised it so much, he felt like shriveling up in a ball and suffocating himself to rid his lungs of it.

But he couldn't run away. It's common knowledge that kids are supposed to be in school, adults at work, and elderly in a home. Nothing changes about that.

But despite knowing he had to be there, he didn't want to.

"Fucking nerd."

"Get your nose out of the books."

"Those glasses suit you. Everyone knows the major nerds are the ones who have four eyes."

Chanyeol didn't realize it, but his fist was balled up firmly, and his teeth were gritted to the point of shattering.

It was seventh grade when he decided he had enough.

He didn't want to be the perfect child anymore.

And he blew up.

His emotions were everywhere that year, and he hated it. The seventh grade was not something he enjoyed looking back on, in fact, he had even thrown away his yearbook and all the previous ones along with it.

That was the worst year in his life.

The highschooler couldn't even remember how many times he wished he had the courage to jump from the roof, which they conveniently left unlocked. He wanted to feel his body hitting the concrete below and crushing his bones into oblivion. But most of all, he wanted to experience the faces of everyone who ever said one word about him.

"What's taking so long?"

A voice pierced the air, and he turned to the person standing in the corner.

His bleach blonde hair and brown roots seemed to almost blind Chanyeol, and he felt like he was caught red-handed in his own thoughts.

"..Sehun." Was all he could manage to say.

Sehun pushed himself off of the wall, and squared his shoulders.

Silence seeped around them as they both stood face-to-face in the hallway.

The blonde looked down. As he crossed his arms, he muttered, "You always get this way around February. It's like school weighs you down."

It was true. Every year, since he changed, around the same time it seemed his life wanted to cause an end for itself.

No matter what, he always got depressed during vaguely the same month. And the scariest part of it all was he couldn't control it.

It was as if he couldn't control his thoughts anymore, and they ran to the most deepest, darkest, and unforgettable times of his sad life.

"I don't know what happened in your past. You only switched to this school during the first year of high school, and by then it seemed the damage was done. I'm not going to ask you." He started out, tilting his head up to look at the boy straight in the eyes.

"But you've got people around you who are worried."

Chanyeol bit his lip to the point of bleeding. The red liquid flooded his mouth with the taste of iron, and it seemed his spit was stuck in the back of his throat.

Without another word, he watched as his best friend turned heel and walked away.

And he couldn't blame him.

He was pitiful.


ok so the next chapter will basically be a flashback describing what the fuck happened to poor Channie.



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