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•• 3rd person pov••




"Who the fuck is calling me at- oh.. it's ten."

Baekhyun yawned tiredly to himself, rolling over in his bed to reach out for the noisy device.

Without bothering to check the caller id, he answered the call.


"What? I call to wish a good morning and I get a 'what'?"

Baekhyun blinked his eyes at the familiar voice and stretched out.

"Oh, Chanyeol its you."

"Duh. Anyways, I was thinking we could maybe have that date today? Only if your not busy."

This brought a small smile to the brunette's features. "Ah- sure. Just give me a bit to get ready."

"Mmhm." Chanyeol hummed out, the other line making noise.

"Okay, I'll call you when I'm ready."

And the line went dead.

Baekhyun was excited. It had been an entire week the two had been separated, and he still wasn't sure how he felt about the tall beanstock not beside him.

I don't want to get up...

It's too cold out there.

Snuggling under his covers, the brunette sighed lightly. Think of Chanyeol.

Get your lazy ass up, Byun.

He laid there in his bed for a few more seconds, treasuring the last few moments of warmness.

As he forced his muscles to push him out of the bundle of warmness, the cold surrounded his body.

Baekhyun let out an unconscious shiver at letting his feet touch the floor. Fucking winter- always so cold.

Finally, after sitting at his bed like an idiot for five minutes straight trying to 'wake up', he started his morning routine.

A quick shower, accompanied by blasting hot water rolling down his body and having ear splitting music blaring from his phone. As he dried himself with a towel, he decided to towel-dry his hair for a faster drying effect. (A/N don't kill me i don't know affect/effect i know im trash)

His hair was successfully a fluffy mess, unstyled and frizzy, but he chose to ignore it for the time being. Baekhyun normally can't handle having his hair out of control, but it seemed because a certain someone liked it fluffy, he would avoid putting too much product in it.

Fuck yes, I'm going to look great for this date.

Baekhyun sat down, enjoying the quietness that echoed through his room. Nothing to disturb him, nothing to mess him up.

He drew in his attention, closing his eyes and focusing.

He took a deep breath.

And picked up the eyeliner pencil.

He faintly smiled to himself in the mirror, gently shaking out his hand so he wouldn't accidentally get eyeliner mysteriously all the way across his face.

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