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•• 3rd personpov ••

A soft knock sounded from the door, as the manager curled into himself some more.

He tightened himself into a ball, gripping harsh red spots into his knees where his fingernails were.

"Baek? Can I come in?" He heard a familiar voice reach his ears, and suddenly, he really wanted the company.

The door opened without an answer slowly, as the person in the doorframe saw the figure appear before his eyes.

Kyungsoo stepped into the small bathroom, softly shutting the door behind him.

When he crouched down, he placed a warm hand on the shaking shoulder of his best friend.

And Baekhyun choked out another deafening sob.

Releasing his knees and uncurling, the brunette reached out to his friend's chest.

Kyungsoo dropped down and wrapped his arms around the boy's naked form, not paying attention to the fact that Baekhyun didn't have clothes on at the moment.

He cradled his shoulders carefully as though he would break, as the manager cried into Kyungsoo's shirt.

With one hand, he gripped the soft fabric, and with the other he pulled it into his own chest.

The black haired boy stayed quiet, and let the broken man sob himself into a deep sleep.


Kyungsoo shifted the sleeping brunette to the other side of his chest, careful not to disturb him.

Quietly pushing open the door, he grabbed the clothes that had neatly been folded in a pile in front of it.

They were Sehun's- a baggy pair of sweatpants and and overly large hoodie- so he would have to remember to return it.

A few minutes ago he had called in Jongin inside of the bedroom to leave the clothes there, respecting his friend's privacy and thinking how no one else should see him in such a broken state.

As he pulled Baekhyun's limbs one by one into the new clothes, Kyungsoo faintly wondered where Chanyeol had gone.

He had seen him only once this morning- and that was when he had been awakened by a puffy eyed and stressed out high schooler that briefly informed him Baekhyun needed help, before slipping out of the room.

It was pretty easy to piece together what happened- but he had no idea why Baekhyun was in this state, frankly.

Kyungsoo had developed somewhat of a trust for the high schooler, and it was extremely hard to believe he would do something to leave Baekhyun this broken and terrified.

But it wasn't his job to know right now- in fact, his job was to care for the boy in front of him.

Kyungsoo frowned and couldn't help but let his heart reach out.

He couldn't bare seeing his best friend looking so horrible.

Baekhyun deserved better.

He deserved the world.

But some things just don't work out, do they?

Finally pulling his hand through the hoodie sleeve and zipping it up, he called out for Jongin once more.

As the high schooler showed up, Kyungsoo gently put a finger to his lips- a signal to be quiet.

Jongin nodded lightly, and let his eyes trail to the form laying on his boyfrien- er- close friend's chest.

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