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•• 3rd person pov••

A silver car pulled into the drive way of quite a large house, with two stories and big bushes adorning the front lawn.

Baekhyun gaped at the home, asking himself why the fuck he was the poor one.

"T-this is your house?" He muttered out, looking over to the tall boy next to him.

"Yep." The giant smirked, leaning back in the seat. "Well, it's my mom and dad's, but I guess it counts as mine until they return from Japan."

The brunette jutted out his bottom lip and turned his attention to the large home. "It's not fair. I work my ass off and I'm pretty sure your house is bigger. All you do is watch tv and go cause trouble with your friends." He pouted.

"Is Baekkie jealous?~" Chanyeol cooed, snickering lightly under his breath.

The other wrinkled his nose. "No. And don't call me Baekkie."

"Aren't you gonna get out of my car, Park Chanyeol?"

The giant quirked an eyebrow at the smaller beside him. "I think your forgetting something."

Baekhyun furrowed his brows and puffed out his cheeks. "No I'm not."

Chanyeol eyed the man sitting in the driver's seat. "Do you not remember your promise?"

The seatbelt unbuckled and rolled up, as the highschooler moved silently.

"I never said I would-" Baekhyun was cut off halfway through his sentence, due to the silver haired giant looming over him.

"Bwo?!" He shouted, leaning backwards and pressing himself against the door.

"Byun Baekhyun, will you be my boyfriend?"

Baekhyun's mind flitted back to the diner.

How could I forget that? He thought quietly, starting to sweat.

The brunette stayed silent as he was face to face with the high schooler, a dark blush painting over his cheeks.

They stayed in that position, Chanyeol leaning over and Baekhyun leaning back.

The shorter was going to say something, but he was mildly afraid his voice would fail him.

"Well? Are you going to answer me?" Chanyeol murmured, his gaze stiff and unyielding.

Baekhyun unconsciously bit his lip, in his own world for a moment.

He could accept Park Chanyeol.

Or he could tell him to get out of his car.

Fuck he's biting his lip... what is this boy doing to me? Chanyeol thought to himself, studying the sight of his crush with his pink plump lips between  his dashing white teeth.

"Answer me in the next ten seconds." The giant was somewhat getting tired of waiting. "Or I'll kiss you on the spot."

The brunette's eyes widened, as he gulped slowly. It's not that he didn't want to accept Chanyeol- it was more like he felt love shouldn't come so easy.

Plus he met this guy less than twenty four hours ago, and he met him by having to scream and yell at him and his friends.

It wasn't the best introduction.


And the countdown began.


What should I say? Think, Byun Baekhyun.


The shorter was now mentally panicking, his hands becoming sweaty and his heart rate sky rocketing.


Baekhyun scrunched up his eyebrows.


The silver haired giant had begun to move in closer, not caring about 'personal space' or anything of that matter.


"Okay okay, I'll give you my answer!" Baekhyun shouted out, extending his hands.

The Park boy didn't retreat, but stayed in his position. "So? What is it?"

Baekhyun eyed the other slightly, returning his gaze to his hands. "I think- I think relationships are based off of time. We've only know each other for a day. We have no background." He muttered out.

"I think we should get to know each other firs-"

Chanyeol groaned loudly. "Damn it Baekhyun, does that stuff really matter? I already know I like you a lot just by having dinner and talking with you. As for background, we can make memories and stuff as a couple right?"

The brunette frowned. "I'm saying I want to have a meaningful relationship with you, Park Chanyeol, and not just a fling."

The argument settled into a quietness. As the words processed in both of their minds, Baekhyun's eyes widened.

The giant smirked. "So that means you do want to date me?" He whispered out.

The raging blush that grew from Baekhyun's cheeks all the way to his ears could be seen through even the darkness. "D-don't get cocky, Park."

Chanyeol crossed his arms and returned to his seat, leaving the smaller to remove himself from the window.

"I'm happy." Chanyeol muttered. His smile dropped from his face, and he turned his head to look at the boy dead on. "Because I'm not looking for a fling either. I'm serious about you, Baek."

Baekhyun's breath got caught in his throat as he heard the words escape Chanyeol's mouth, and he felt so many feelings at once that he was deeply confused.

"Please, give us a chance. When I see you I'd like to be able to run up and kiss you. I'd like to hug you like I did in the bathroom. I want to feel warm with you next to me, and I want to see you happy. Don't you understand yet, Byun Baekhyun? I know it's cheesy, but I truly have liked you ever since I saw you."

The brunette looked down at his hands in his lap, feeling the other's stare on him.

"Your right Park Chanyeol." He muttered. "That was cheesy."

As he looked up, a smile spread over his face. Chanyeol really has an affect on people with words.. He thought quietly, not exactly knowing if that was a good or bad thing.

Rubbing his eyes lightly, and sniffing quietly, Baekhyun turned in his seat to face Chanyeol.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend, you dork." He said lightly, looking up to gaze into the other's eyes.

The giant's heart stopped in that moment, seeing Baekhyun and hearing him say those words. A grin spread out across his face.

All of a sudden, the highschooler came forward.

And their lips met together in a gentle touch.

Chanyeol pulled his arms around his boyfriend, running his hands down his back and bringing them closer.

Baekhyun lifted up his hands to run the his fingers through the already messy silver hair softly.

Their lips tenderly molded together; not a open mouthed kiss; not a make out session; but nice and simple.

And it set both of their hearts on fire.


I honestly thought of just ending the story right there

but I lowkey want to write about dates and stuff


don't worry~ it'll still be interesting ;)) (hopefully lmao)


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